Nintendo closes Netflix and other video streaming services on Wii in January


If you are a Wii owner and you use the console not only to play games, but also to play with Netflix, you will soon have to find an alternative. Nintendo will close streaming video services on the device in January 2019.

We were already aware of Nintendo's intention to close the Wii Shop chain in January 2109, but the addition of streaming video will be a further blow for Wii owners.

In fact, it's hardly surprising that Nintendo is downsizing – the Wii is now an old console and several channels have already been removed. On January 30, 2019, the Wii Shop Channel will be gone and video streaming will also be disabled.

Netflix has notified its users of the imminent change in a shared email on Reddit:

Unfortunately, Nintendo will suspend all video streaming services on the Wii – including the Netflix channel – after January 31, 2019.

We hope you will soon enjoy an even better Netflix experience with additional features on a supported device. Please visit for a list of our devices.

If you click on the link, the date is actually January 30th, but on the 30th or the 31st, you only have two and a half months to enjoy Netflix on your Wii before having to use another device. .

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