Nintendo grants terminally ill patient his wish to play Smash Ultimate


There is some good in this world, after all

Chris Taylor is a fan of Smash bros. like all of us He loves the eclectic fighter of Nintendo and is eagerly anticipating the release of Ultimate Smash. Unfortunately, Chris might not be coming out. Chris, three times surviving cancer, has recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. See all the hype that fans were building for games like Ultimate Smash and Devil May Cry 5he was beginning to worry about not seeing the next version of one of his favorite franchises.

After a few words from Chris spread the word on Reddit, Nintendo realized it and gave Chris his last wish. This morning, the company arrived at Chris with the E3 demo for Ultimate Smash and allowed him to experience the game itself.

This is actually quite similar to a story last year where a Zelda the fan had the chance to play Breath of nature Before Times Times like these remind me of the power of video games and how communities can be a positive force at this stage of human history.

Chris Taylor [Twitter]

Nintendo meets the wish of the terminally ill cancer patient to play Smash Bros. Ultimate [Nintendo Everything]

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