Nintendo he played too early with his best cards with the switch? – GameSpew


When I was a kid, one of my biggest memories of nerd was finding Charizard in a standard pack of Pokémon cards.

Take it to school (before each school literally banished them) I felt unbeatable. One of my friends challenged me and, of course, I accepted it because I wanted to be the best, as no one has ever been. He played his Zapdos card. "Not bad," I thought, but my Charizard can beat that. Well couldbut not if I played my best card so early that Zapdos could attack before Charizard. Needless to say, I lost that battle, but I learned an important lesson: I had to show some strategy and play my best cards at the right time.

Why am I talking about my memories of Pokémon? Well, firstly, Nintendo has developed Pokemon (obviously). Secondly, it is a loss that has crushed the fragile innocence of my childhood. But above all, it leads me to wonder if Nintendo played his best cards too early with the Switch.

The crazy success of the Nintendo switch

Released in March 2017, the Nintendo switch has been a huge success. Due to the popularity of the console, it was difficult to get the switch early in life. The allure of a home console that can also be played at any time – not to mention its typical Nintendo charm – has made the Switch a must-have, not only for Nintendo fans, but for gamers looking for a new pocket console.

The Switch also had a card to play, card that made the console even more desirable than my card Charizard: The legend of Zelda: the breath of nature. Probably the best game of all time released with a new console, and certainly one of the best games of 2017, the Switch took advantage of the success created by Breath of nature and Link's new adventure.

Breath of nature The E3 was dominated in 2016, but Nintendo needed something new to steal the show again. So they went to another of their big franchises, and showed Super Mario Odyssey. Mario's latest adventure meant that the switch remained a must-have console.

The year 2017 also gave rise to a third big comeback for a Nintendo classic: Metroid. But since this teaser (teaser meaning only the words Metroid Prime 4) there has been no new information on this subject. Of course, 2018 will be the year of Super Smash Bros Ultimate – a celebration of all the big Nintendo. But what happens when the celebrations are over?

A recent Nintendo Direct has revealed that Crossing of animals The arrival at the Switch in 2019. This is good news for fans of Nintendo, but is it enough for a mainstream player? Crossing of animals seduced by its unique appeal, and it's hard to see him selling as well as a Zelda or Mario title. We also get a reissue of Super Mario Bros. U, and The craft world of Yoshi. But if that's all that Switch has to offer in terms of games for the first part in 2019, that's a concern.

So where does Nintendo go from here? He has already played his big cards. Of course, there is still Metroid Prime 4 (at some point), and a brand new Pokemon game, but it looks like Nintendo is missing cards in the game after that.

This is a brilliant line of games for the Switch, arguably the best combination of games since the Nintendo 64 days for a Nintendo console. But after the huge success of the Switch so far, it's hard to see anything but a big drop right now.

Not invited to third party

In 2017, Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo America, said he wanted "every high-quality game to have the opportunity to be played on Nintendo Switch." Fast forward to today and, to a certain extent, the true Reggie vision. By far, the switch has long offered the best third-party support for any Nintendo home console.

But has Reggie's wish really come true? Some of the biggest games of this generation developed by third-party companies are not present on the Switch. Nobody really expected titles like Red Dead Redemption 2 on the switch, but would it have been so hard to imagine that all Assassin's Creed games appear on the switch? Even the Wii U has seen outlets for Assassin's Creed 3 and Black flag. Nintendo should be concerned that large third-party developers are still not willing to support the switch.

What's next for Switch?

According to rumors, Nintendo plans to create a new version of the Switch. The lifespan of the 3DS has been changed several times. It is therefore logical that society wants to do the same with its latest console. Personally, I am totally against this idea because the price difference between the Switch and the 3DS is huge, and the fans will not be happy if Nintendo publishes another version of the switch, which is expensive. This could possibly include more power and a greater chance of having more third-party games – but if Nintendo started publishing games only playable on a "New Nintendo Switch", as was the case with the "New Nintendo" 3DS "difficulty. Among other things, it complicates the market and dilutes the audience

At present, Nintendo has played his card Charizard. But he also played his cards Blastoise and Venusaur and has only a few big cards in his deck. Either he creates a brand new set of Pokémon to use, or releases a new set of cards based on the same Pokémon. Splatoon is a good example that Nintendo is still able to make new first-party classics – and Mask of Majora made to release just a year later Ocarina of TimeSo we know that Nintendo can quickly create new games in a franchise.

The is Switch's potential success remains, but it all depends on what Nintendo will do next. Let's hope that Nintendo will make the right choice. one that I have not done all these years.

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