Cardboard turtle shell not included
remeber Lab? The odd adventure of Nintendo in papercraft that allowed you to build a piano and sit in the corner of your living room for a month?
Well, he has a new neat use. You can now use the Toy-Con bike with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Once you have downloaded the latest update, select the Labo icon from the main menu to choose the Toy-Con as the controller option.
Take the Toy-Con Motorbike Handlebar and race to victory! #Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is now compatible with the Toy-Con Motorbike creation of the #NintendoLabo Variety kit! pic.twitter.com/4bUYoTsdvC
– Nintendo of America (@ NintendoAmerica) June 26, 2018
This is not the only Lab news that Nintendo had to announce. They also announced the categories for the second Nintendo Labo Design Competition.
Anyone who submits to the categories "The best gaming experience using Toy-Con Garage" and "Best Toy-Con Musical Instrument" has a chance to win cool prizes, including a Switch console inspired by Labo.
Nintendo also said that "more titles will be compatible with Nintendo Labo In the future. "
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