Nintendo uses Super Smash Bros. Ultimate to celebrate the holidays in a fun way


If you do not already have a switch on your holiday wish list, Nintendo aims to fix it by offering a dozen demo stations offering the "Nintendo Switch Vacation Experience" to across the country. A whole bunch of games and activities will be presented, with a glimpse of life Super Smash Bros. Ultimate likely to be the biggest draw.

Nintendo's marketing plan this holiday season is pretty smart, as Comic Book points out. They have launched a series of large demonstration stations in key locations across the country, which will undoubtedly push a bunch of young people to beg mom and dad to take a ride to the mall at some point. On this site, many helpful representatives will be ready to answer all your questions or make recommendations to parents who want to make the holidays of little Johnny or Jane super bright.

By the way, we also have a list of things to keep in mind if you plan to acquire a popular Nintendo consoles.

The Nintendo Switch Holiday Experience is currently online at certain locations (see list below) and will be open until December 16th. It's a free event that runs from 16h. at 9 pm Monday to Thursday, from 3 pm to 9 pm on Fridays from 10 am to 9 pm on Saturdays and from 11 am to 6 pm on Sundays.

The highlight for many will be Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which will not even be launched until December 7 but will be playable at the event. Nintendo recently held a final Smash Bros Direct, featuring the latest additions to the game's starter list and beefy content for a single-player game. More characters will be added via DLC but, for now, almost 80 is a start more than enough.

Also at the event will be both Pokémon let's go games, where visitors will also be able to try this spiffy Pokeball controller. These games will be launched on Friday, so be sure to quickly switch to one of the Holiday Experience kiosks if you need a little more motivation.

Many other games have also been announced as part of the experiment, including Nintendo Labo stations Super Mario Partyand more family-friendly rates like Just Dance 2019 and Too much cooked 2. And Nintendo should be crazy if they do not capitalize on the Fortnite There will be a "photo experience" related to the game available at Nintendo parties.

Here is an overview of where you can find the Nintendo Switch Vacation Experience. I hope you will not have to travel too far to discover all these games in person.

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