Nintendo Wins $ 12 Million From Trademark And Copyright Infringement Lawsuit


Nintendo Building

Earlier this year in July, Nintendo filed a lawsuit against two ROM and emulator websites in the US state of Arizona for trademark infringement. The latest development is the owners and operators of the now-defunct websites – a married couple – have agreed to a more than $ 12 million in favor of Nintendo.

In August, it was revealed that both parties wanted to avoid prolonged court proceedings. The owners of the sites admitted to their infringement and infringement of the infringement, resulting in the infringement of the Japanese video game company. Below is the unsigned verdict:

Plaintiff is hereby awarded against all Defendants, jointly and severally, in the amount of $ 12,230,000.

As noted by TorrentFreak, this high sum is likely to become a reality for any other ROM and emulator websites. It is unlikely that this amount of money, and a jury would not have reached that same figure. If this is the case, it would not be the first time agreed upon privately.

The permanent injunction in the settlement prevents the couple from infringing on their rights in the future.

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