Nintendo's Dragalia Lost could forge a new generation of RPG players


The all-new Nintendo IP, Dragalia Lost, is a mobile role-playing game that can be as simple or as complex as you like. You start the game as a young prince who has to find a dragon with whom to bond in order to become powerful enough to save the kingdom from a growing demonic threat. Joined by his younger sister and eventually by a diverse group of more than 60 other party members, the prince strengthens himself by taking quests, completing missions and killing bosses.

Despite being a mobile game, Dragalia Lost has dozens of mechanisms, ranging from party management to raising dragons. Unlike most triple-A role-playing games where the majority of the game's systems are cast on the player in a two-hour slot – I'm watching you Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – Draglia Lost presents each of its mechanisms slowly. There are not many cinematics in the first hour of the game. Although some of the elements of the story are detailed from the beginning, the game spends the majority of its debut playing in small strikes that reinforce the lessons of the tutorial. As Dragalia Lost begins to pull you from the gameplay to show you a lot more cinematic scenes, you have a basic understanding of the controls.

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It's quite intuitive. At the end of the demo I had played the first 45 minutes of Dragalia Lost and I was quickly reviewing all the features that had been confused before. What struck me the most about the opening time of Dragalia Lost was the way the game was designed for two different types of players: RPG veterans and newcomers in the genre. Each lesson has two levels. You can listen to one of the characters explain something and then go do it, or you can listen to one of the characters explain something and let the game show you what it means.

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For example, each character has its own strengths and weaknesses, weapon type and multi-level skill tree. You can also equip different objects of your characters and dragons, build different types of shrines in your castle, breed new breeds of dragons and plant a varied assortment of healthy herbs in your garden. The characters you have on your team can also affect how your entire group can attack, defend, or heal, and some enemies are easier to deal with when using specific weapons. These are all mechanics Dragalia Lost easier to enter that are introduced in the first hour or so.

You can manage everything. You can extract the worksheets and start comparing the percentages if you wish. But if part of the game is too confusing or you do not want to do something, you can ask Dragalia Lost to do it for you. At the touch of the button, the game will maximize the abilities of your characters based on the dynamics of the team and even change your list if there is a better range available to face the next mission. You lose part of the challenge if you do it continually, but it is a simple and welcome solution if you are having trouble.

The opening hours of Dragalia Lost have brought back many of the early Pokemon games, especially the Generations I-III. What the player needs to know – catching Pokémon, fighting and typing benefits – is detailed, but the more nuanced mechanics – different balls and each specific type advantage – are hidden in the optional conversations. A Pokemon veteran can attack Brock with his Squirtle without a problem, but a newcomer can ask people near Brock's gym that water and grass type Pokémon are your best bet against somebody. one who only uses Rock type Pokémon. , as well as where these types of Pokemon can be found. The game teaches you the type benefits you want or not, and newcomers can rely on optional systems to slowly learn the wide range of type benefits.

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Similarly, in Dragalia Lost, you may encounter enemies who rely on shields to protect themselves from initial attacks. When you battle them for the first time, Dragalia Lost teaches you how to use the main character of the game to perform a forceful strike, which, when perfectly synchronized, can instantly destroy a shield. Knowing that you have a character who can quickly shoot down shields, this is all the information you need to defeat the most challenging monsters and enemy bosses. You can identify other ways to manage powerful targets yourself or ask the game to give you advice and help. Combat is quite simple to understand if you have played other role playing games, it uses several paper-scissor functions, but the game details the operation of all the benefits if you learn to juggle multiple game systems.

Dragalia extends this to all its features, which is very useful for balancing your group of four, managing the multilevel skill tree of each character or choosing the right fighter to handle a particularly problematic enemy. Dragalia Lost wants you to have the gaming experience you are looking for, whether you are looking for a complex RPG mechanics, a direct story or something in between. I've left my time with the demo of the game with a smile on my face and eager to play more, which is not common for me when it comes to role plays.

Post a game like Dragalia Lost to a very large audience on mobile devices is a wise choice. This makes it more accessible to a wider audience, especially children or people who do not normally play games outside of Apple or Google Play stores. Dragalia Lost has a clumsy humor, an easy-to-follow story, a cast of colorful characters and really catchy music. I see him find a foot in the crowd of non-RPGs and help new players discover the joy behind the complex micromanagement mechanics of video games.

Dragalia Lost launches on September 27 for Android and iOS devices.

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