Nintendo's new Labo Vehicle Kit looks like a fun buggy – TechCrunch


Nintendo just announced the latest novelty in its Labo series of whimsical cardboard accessories for the Switch gaming console, and this one looks like a must-have. Called the vehicle kit for obvious reasons, flat additions, assemble oneself include a steering wheel, accelerator pedal, "keys" that activate different vehicles, all of which work in a cool game that comes with

Frankly, it sounds like a boon. Perhaps the most gigantic of all time. $ 70 you get a foldable steering set with joysticks on the sides; a pedal that I really hope to withstand serious trampling; a joystick to fly an airplane, a strange thing that controls a submarine; and a "key" into which your Joy-Con inserts, which itself inserts into the various other configurations to activate them.

They are all meant to be used in a game that, although unnamed, seems incredibly cool. It looks like a big island with hidden secrets everywhere you use your buggy, your submarine and your plane, and any other strange vehicle you might encounter.

You can race, spray your vehicles, blow stones and fell trees. There is also a two-player mode where you fight with cars that have stretch arms for whatever reason. Do not think about it too much.

Sure, you'll have to assemble everything yourself (I think I think kids read TechCrunch or that our readers buy Nintendo hardware made for kids), but we found Labo a pleasure to have. assemble and play with that, it should not be a problem. It's a feature, not a bug.

You can buy this kit from September 14 for $ 70, which, again, is obviously a robbery. If any of us gets hold of one before that date, we will let you know.

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