Nintendo's Reggie Fils-Aime is hoping for a classic N64, Switch Online and Sakurai's Smash Roster tweets


Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime was in New York this week to sell his company's great vacation lineup. But there were also a lot of other things to discuss.

Much of our conversation was devoted to Fils-Aime's talk on the newest Switch and 3DS games. You can read about it in the first part of my interview with him. Below you'll find the other topics discussed in our discussion, in which he downplayed expectations for a Nintendo 64 Classic, tackled Nintendo's meager support for his old iconic Switch games, touting the success of Zelda: Breath of nature expansion has even managed to work a mention of Waluigi in our discussion on the new Smash Bros. Hmmm.

The missing classic N64

Nintendo's holiday lineup does not include a new retro console, a surprise for fans and media who expected the NES Classic and 2017 SNES Classic retro consoles to be followed by a 2018 Nintendo 64 Classic. Love is not the type to announce new products on the fly during an interview, but he hinted that the Nintendo window was closing such a device.

"When we did the first two Classic series, we clearly knew it was a limited time opportunity for us to move from the conclusion of the Wii U as a computer system to the launch of Nintendo Switch. "He said," That's the strategic reason why we launched the NES Classic system. "The Wii U was rapidly fading in early 2016 and the switch was only launched in early 2017.

"So, even if consumers anticipated something, we consider it a limited opportunity in time. We are also now very clear about the fact that the consumer is eager to engage with our classic content, which will happen more and more with the subscription service.

"Do you want to exclude the N64 Classic? I asked.

"I will never exclude anything," he said, "but what I can tell you is that it's certainly not in our planning horizon."

Will The Switch's selection of classic games expand?

It's not easy to get classic Nintendo games on the switch, where the company only started offering Nintendo Entertainment System games to subscribers to its new online service in September, 18 months after the launch. of the console. Associated with Nintendo's controversial crackdown on ROM sites and the general control of its library, the company has apparently acknowledged the demand for its classics, but does not seem to be doing much to satisfy it.

When asked what Nintendo could do to change this, Fils-Aime first mentioned the NES Classic and the SNES Classic, which each contain 20 old games. "We are looking to the future," he said, "our subscription service, NSO, Nintendo Switch Online, will be where you can read our classic content … "

"Beyond the NDA?" I asked.

"We will see what will follow," he said. "As you've already pointed out, we have not even made the full NES library available yet. This content must be optimized for the Switch environment. It's something we work very hard on. Like you, I can not wait to play Metroid via the Nintendo Switch Online service and we will continue to broadcast content in this way. "

smash Things

Nintendo naturally promoted the next Super Smash Bros. Ultimate As a multiplayer-centric game, Nintendo Direct's recent video presentation ended with a blazing tease of its single-player mode, World of Light. Son-Aime has described the solo mode as "exceptionally loud" and is a way to get a story and unlock certain characters, but responding to the scale of its role for those who are not interested in the multiplayer mode, he recalled the main attraction of the game: "Smash Bros. is the best, whether it's a sofa [multiplayer] or on the Internet [multiplayer] the fighting aspect is really what sets it apart. "

Last week, smash Director Masahiro Sakurai tweeted about how the range of downloadable characters after the release of the game was "now complete" in terms of list selection. In a pair of tweets, he noted that "this time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo" and he discouraged people to "overwhelm" Twitter meet the wishes of fans' favorite characters when developers do not ask for such reactions.

For previous Smash games released on Wii U and 3DS in 2014, Nintendo conducted a poll that encouraged fans to vote for those they wanted to see added to the game as downloadable content. The impact of the vote was not clearly defined, although the added character, Bayonetta, received a lot of votes. The new Sakurai Tweets seemed to suggest that there would be no fan vote this time around.

"I did not talk to him," said Son-Aime about Sakurai and his Tweets, "but I think he was working hard to communicate two things: first, the characters were chosen. is well developed, so be patient, my interpretation is that there will be no polls with fans, [and that] no independent survey that attempts to push Waluigi, for example, will influence the decisions already made. "

Hey, he brought Waluigi, not me. I had to ask, "Do we know? Do you know if Waluigi is on the list or not? "

"We are not here to discuss this at this point," said Fils-Aime.

He reiterated that the plan was to sell characters after the release, as well as new scenes and music after the release, but stated that there was no plan for further microtransactions for the game.

In terms of competitive game for the new smashSon-Aime said that Nintendo would continue to "work with existing events, make the product available, encourage the community". He stated that Nintendo could create some events in their own way, but that the Activision-Blizzard creation model their own leagues for smash or any other game is "not an approach that we think makes sense for our content."

Post-release content for Nintendo games seems to stay here

It has become more common than not for Nintendo, a company that has been publishing games for a long time and adds nothing, and now offers a lot of free downloadable and / or paid content for their games. Even the largely disconnected Kirby Star Allies is in the middle of a large stream of characters and fashions added for free in the seven months following its release. Fils-Aime has called post-release content "critical tactics" for the company, noting that "our developers understand that intelligent post-release content can generate ongoing engagement with both this game and the platform" .

He mentioned that The legend of Zelda: the breath of natureExpansion paid "has worked exceptionally well in our market".

The limits on streaming games like Assassin's Creed Odyssey On the switch in America

In Japan, switch owners with a strong Internet connection can download an application and play a streaming version of Capcom's files. Resident Evil 7 and Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Odyssey, two games that probably require too much graphics to work directly on the switch and are only available in America on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Son-Aime described these efforts in Japan as "very exciting," adding that "everyone is excited to see a Switch-based cloud-based gaming experience." But, he said, "it's specific to Japan because of the Internet infrastructure that exists in this country. Very high speed wireless capability. The ability to have a great experience in Japan is profound. The technical infrastructure does not exist for this to happen in the United States. "

I noticed that there are streaming service games that serve US games, but he said the connections were not to the satisfaction of Nintendo. "And so from this point of view, we see this activity as a very interesting test case and we will certainly focus our thinking and potential investments here in the Americas."

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In Japan, Nintendo Switch broadcasts games that are not powerful enough to work.

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Son-Aime said he knew about Google's "Project Stream" project, which broadcasts the assassin's aforementioned Creed Odyssey on the Chrome web browsers of the players. He warned, however, that "if you talk to very active players, there is a level of dissatisfaction, because it is happening right now." The question is: when will the technical infrastructure be- is it available for the experience to be really convincing? "

I do not know if Nintendo has the last word on the possibility that such third-party game streaming services reach Switch systems in the United States. The game streams are run by a Taiwan-based company called Ubitus, which partners with game publishers and other companies to broadcast their content.

The lack of an Ethernet plug in the switch means that most players will try to connect to such a service via WiFi and any American can attest that WiFi is not as popular in this country. Knowing that all this is happening on Switch in another country is however tempting and it is clearly something Nintendo pays attention to.

Failure of fan frustration on new versions of 3DS only

Kotaku commentators – and some staff members – sometimes complain when Nintendo announces something new for 3DS as WarioWare Gold or the Luigi's Mansion and does not advertise it for Switch too. "At Kotaku What I would say to the reader is that our development goal is clearly on Nintendo Switch, "said Fils-Aime. "You look at the plethora of content we've launched, the plethora of content we've announced, it's clearly our development goal, but many kids five, six, or seven years old have the opportunity to get their first a gaming device and a fantastic gaming experience, and that's what our handheld business, both 2DS and 3DS, is all about. "

Fils-Aime clearly considers that the 3DS / 2DS range is a product sold by Nintendo to children and states that "the next generation of players must start somewhere."

I pointed out to him that I did not think people were saying that games should not be on 3DS, but that they would like to see them also on Switch. "Well, we want the new experience to be on Switch. That's why the next Luigi's Mansion the game is going to be a fantastic experience. "

Read the first part of our interview here:

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