No, the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti has not been removed from the list


A slow news day, a top-of-the-line NVIDIA GPU being out of stock may be an interesting solution, but it takes a particularly slow day to take a card out of stock, speculating that it has been scratched from list and create a story. on mass recalls. Unlike the reports you might see floating, the NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti has not been removed from the list and is out of stock. You can find out just by going to and finding that the product page is still there and that its inventory refresh cycle seems to be the same.

A scandalous scoop: the NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti graphics card out of stock

Some news organizations have published the RTX 2080 Ti stock-out status as evidence of an impending mass recall (not to mention, there is none) and have even cited a forum post that conceded that some initial batches had problematic matrices – which, of course, have nothing to do with OOS status, it simply results from the complex nature of the Turing matrix and the operation of the manufacturing process.

Although I like a good scoop as much as any other technical manager (probably more considering the fact that I'm the chief editor here¯ _ (ツ) _ / ¯ ), the only sensational scoop I can find in this story is the RTX 2080 Ti out of stock. Ironically, it's a good indicator for the card because it means the stock evaporates faster than the company can replenish it transparently. You can also purchase the RTX 2080 Ti at any retailer, including Amazon, Newegg, etc., but not limited to. It is therefore clear that there is no recall.

You still do not believe me? I contacted NVIDIA directly and they almost laughed at it. They confirmed that the card had just been out of stock and that it was the subject of a planned replenishment. It will be available soon for purchase:

The story of eTeknix is ​​incorrect.

The 2080 Ti Founders edition is available on as usual.

There seems to be some confusion about the store link on which by default only lists the products currently in stock. If a product does not appear there, it simply means that the item is out of stock by the time you performed a search. This does not mean that a product has been removed from the list. is always your best choice for everything related to the game. – NVIDIA spokesperson with Wccftech

If I did not know better, I would imagine that it's a success story concocted by short titles of NVIDIA stock that want to quickly earn money and take advantage of the feeling that prevails since the quarterly results. The shorts have already been happy and this is the perfect time to take advantage of the presence of bears to lower the stock a few notches.

The RTX 2080 Ti matrix is ​​a very complex matrix. I would even go so far as to call it one of the most complex matrices ever designed for gaming simply because it houses a triumvirate of processor classes. It is difficult and expensive to manufacture, and performance bugs are expected when dealing with a problem of this type. But none of this really translates, even at a distance, into a mass recall. This is another example of baseless hysteria for the masses that should be avoided in the name of a healthy rumor that we all know and love.


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