Notifications near Android have generated too much spam. Google turns it off.


Google ended the proximity notifications later this year, after finding that Android users were getting too much spam with this feature. Since the launch of Nearby in 2015, this feature has become a target for marketers and less a friendly information guide.

Your Android device can usually receive a ping command when you venture near a location with tags. Unfortunately, instead of providing relevant content, these tags often send spam and unnecessary notifications to users' phones, resulting in a "poor user experience."

Google said its original goal when creating Nearby three years ago was to "proactively provide useful information". He cited positive examples, including informing users of free Wi-Fi, reporting museum information, and knowing when a bus would arrive.

In the end, Android users often looked for ways to disable nearby notifications. They went to forums to complain about the annoying service that simply involved more ads. Meanwhile, marketers were those who were excited about the ability to send ads directly to users based on their location, without the need for an app.

In its message today, Google said: "The quality of the content we transmit to users is very limited, especially the content transmitted through notifications." On December 6, the feature will be removed.

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