NPD: Ignoring a player did not hurt sales of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4


Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 launched the call by offering three different multiplayer modes and leaving a solo solo campaign in the dust. Now, according to sales estimates and data from the NPD group, it seems that the game did not suffer from this decision.

After the release of the NPD Group's October report, analyst Mat Piscatella tweeted that "the lack of [single player] campaign did not hurt Black Ops 4 launch the sales of the month in the slightest, "also noting that Call of DutyThe November break from November to October helped set new monthly sales records for October.

Company data typically includes physical sales and some digital sales as provided by publishers, although it is interesting to note that not all publishers share the report's digital sales figures. According to October data, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 saw the most in terms of sales going up, ahead of both Red Dead Redemption II and Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, even if Black Ops 4 & # 39;Sales figures do not include digital PC sales.

Beyond that, the breakdown of the report by VentureBeat indicates that Black Ops 4 now has the eighth record of sales in the month of launch in 23 years since the NPD Group began tracking sales data. By the numbers of the NPD Group, Black Ops 4 is already the best selling game of 2018 and the second bestseller of the last 12 months, just after November 2017 Call of Duty: World War II.

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