Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti can be rented for 104 euros if you want to try it


Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti is the high-end graphics card that Nvidia has to offer in the next generation of graphics cards. Although it is a very expensive graphics card, a German retailer has an interesting option. The German distributor zed-up.de offers the Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti for rent for 104 euros per month.

This is not the first time the retailer has introduced such an agreement. A while ago the same retailer offered to provide the GTX 1080 for rent for 30 euros per month. If you do not have the total amount, it's a great way to get that power.

In addition, if you are interested in trying the next Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti before you decide to buy it yourself, you can check this offer if you can. You may not qualify for the offer in the United States or the United Kingdom, but if you are in Germany, it is an interesting offer.

Nvidia RTX is the main selling point for upcoming graphics cards and you are paying for this feature which may not be worth it for some people. Apart from that, we know that the graphics cards will go on sale on September 20 and that the NDA has been extended to the 19th of the month.

The NDA was extended due to the delay in the factors and the fact that some publications did not receive the samples from the review. Although some people have received samples of the magazine, they can not reveal anything because of the NDA. For the moment, we will have to wait to see what people have to say about future graphics cards.

Keeping in mind that Nvidia is about the upcoming Turing graphics cards, the reviews may not be as reliable as you think. You must also wait for comments from people who are not affected by the NDA to make sure. Nvidia is currently focused on RTX, but we also want to see the additional performance of graphics cards compared to previous Pascal-based GPUs.

Tell us what you think about Nvidia RTX 2080 Ti and if you are interested or not.

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