Office 365, Azure users are locked after a multi-factor global authentication failure – TechCrunch


Hello! Unless you are a Microsoft hosted client who is currently locked out of your account.

Microsoft's cloud-based multi-factor authentication services were used Monday morning around the world, preventing users required to log in with the help of a second layer of authentication. authentication on their account, such as a text message, a push notification on their phone or a hardware key. You go to the password page and then get stuck – no code, no notification, nothing.

"The affected users may not be able to connect," says a notice on the Office 365's health page, confirming the crash.

More than half a day later, the service is still in trouble.

At the time of writing this article, Microsoft has announced that it has deployed a hotfix to reactivate the service, but that it will "continue to monitor all updates" over the next two hours. "We have received information that users may no longer receive alerts, so we are analyzing diagnostic logs to understand why," the company added.

So far, there is no clear reason for the failure. We contacted Microsoft to find out more and we will update it when we return.

Multifactor authentication adds a significantly greater layer of protection to an email account than a simple password. However, as a crucial mechanism for connecting users, it is also a single point of failure in the event of system failure.

A system so secure that even its users can not connect. Who knew?

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