Officials arrested a man who threatened to murder the family of FCC President Ajit Pai on net neutrality


Authorities arrested and charged a 33-year-old man in Los Angeles Angeles Angeles, for e-mailing death threats against the family of the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai.

The man, Markara Man, confessed to the federal authorities that he had sent the threat last December because he was "angry". The man told authorities in an interview at his home in May that he hoped to persuade Pai to change his mind about reversing the FCC's regulations for Internet providers, the court documents said. The FCC voted in December to repeal the rules, which banned Internet service providers from slowing down or blocking websites. The rules officially disappeared from the books at the beginning of this month.

"They practically ignored, like, 80% of the comments," the man reportedly told investigators, referring to public comments solicited by the FCC before the vote. They ignored us and did not care.

The man sent at least two other emails, said the Justice Department. One accused Pai of being responsible for the suicide of one child and the other contained an image of Pai and his family. It was not immediately clear if Man had admitted to sending the other emails.

The FCC's online public comment system was criticized for failing to endure an intense charge while the agency solicited comments on its neutrality. . In May 2017, officials at the agency claimed that a distributed denial of service attack was disrupting the system. But the FCC did not produce detailed logs or other analyzes to support this claim, and the FCC's own commissioners claimed that the irregularities could have allowed false messages sent by automated robots to oust the reactions of US citizens

. comment on the charges against Man. But the agency has become increasingly familiar with the threats of violence against Pai and his family. Moments before the FCC voted to repeal the net neutrality rules in December, the security guards interrupted the public meeting and, in an unusual move, evacuated the room in response to a bomb threat. . The all-clear was given a few minutes later.

Pai himself has long complained of the abuse of militants on his position of net neutrality. In November 2017, he told the protesters to "stop harassing us at home" in an interview on "Fox and Friends". During the segment, Fox showed cardboard signs in the suburban area of ​​Pai, apparently directed towards the children of Pai. They will come to know the truth. Dad murdered cold-blooded democracy. "

Pai also canceled a number of public appearances amid security concerns, giving up a major appearance this year at CES's annual technology show in Las Vegas." But he appeared on stage at CPAC, the conservative annual conference, where he was unexpectedly presented with a prize from the National Rifle Association.

Man wrote a letter of apology for his action, show the court documents. "Dear [Federal Official 1] I am sorry to have made a threat to your children. It was crossing the line. I hope you will change your mind about [Official Action] but I doubt it. Sincerely, Mark. "

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