Oh, the things I would do to get this cardboard Nintendo Switch – TechCrunch


Nintendo is building on its odd but wonderful cardboard Labo platform with a bit of softness Mario Kart the integration and a truly fabulous limited edition switch with a faux-cardboard finish. It's really the best thing and I would do terrible things to have it. Unfortunately, a smart child will probably get it, because you have to earn it by creating something cool with Labo.

So, first of all, Mario Kart Things. If you have Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for the switch, and you should really because it's great, you can now use the Toy-Con (buildable with the Labo Variety Kit) as a kind of real-world controller. You turn the right "handlebar" to accelerate and turn everything to turn.

This is the first game to get its own Lab support, but the company says that others are going on. Splatoon 2perhaps?

If you're a creative guy and you have a Labo set, you're in luck. There are two new contests that you can enter, and the entry puts you in the running to win the amazing Neutral Color Switch shown at the top. I really do not know why I like it so much, but I do it. And if you too, you should enter. (If you are in the United States or Canada Sorry, world.)

The first challenge is to create a musical instrument with Toy-Con parts and "DIY materials". You will have to document his creation and show it on video. He will be judged on "Quality, Creativity, Mind and Sound". Nintendo Caps.

The second challenge is to create a gaming or gaming experience using Toy-Con Garage. The same judgment categories as before, minus the sound.

There will be one grand prize winner and four finalists per contest. The big prize is this incredible switch (approximate retail value of $ 1000!), Plus a cool jacket (?) Lab. Finalists receive a pair of Joy-Cons style and a jacket. Respectable.

If you have searched for a reason to take back this lab kit or to use random pieces that you have never tried, this is surely the reason. Now, at work!

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