Ohio teenager says that he was scammed while playing Fortnite


Jake Bates says the hacker asked him to hand over his password and his user name on Fortnite. (CNN)

CINCINNATI, Ohio (WLWT / CNN) – An Ohio teenager said he was targeted by a crook while he was playing at the popular Fortnite video game.

Jake Bates said the hacker had given him his password and the user name so that the player could give him more skins in Fortnite.

"And when he connected to his account, he took it all," said Amy Bates, the boy's mother. "The guy went back to his account, but also resumed his email account and changed the passwords, changed the recovery passwords and the phone number."

The other player also had access to Bates email and his mother's information.

"It's really scary," said Amy Bates

. In addition, the player ended up killing the Bates character in which he had invested hundreds of dollars since the beginning of the year. last year.

Amy Bates wanted to tell their story so that crooks do not attack other kids while they play the game.

"It says on the game not to give your information

Bates filed a lawsuit against Epic Games, the company that developed Fortnite

Gambling sites recommend that players never share their experience personal information and use of non-accountable disposable credit cards banking.

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