One UI Not Coming To Galaxy S8 & Galaxy Note 8: Report


Samsung's new mobile interface, One UI, will not be coming to Galaxy S8 and Galaxy Note 8, it seems. Samsung spokesperson actually confirmed this news to Tom's Guide, the company's spokesperson actually said that the UI will not be available on the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 +, or the Galaxy Note 8, that is likely to become more of a reality. Either. This is actually quite odd, and it raises a number of questions in the process. Samsung confirmed a while back that Android 9 Pie will be coming to the Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 +, and Galaxy Note 8, but it looks like the only iteration of Samsung's software that will run Android 9 Pie will be One UI, does that mean Samsung backgammon for Android, the Galaxy S8 +, and Galaxy Note 8 at all? Well, it seems like it, at least at this point. Samsung Experience 9.0 was based on Android 8.0 Oreo, while Samsung Experience 9.5 was based on Android 8.1 Oreo, while One UI seems to be ready to replace 'Samsung Experience' altogether, which effectively means that the Android 9 Pie will probably not arrive to the Galaxy S8 series, and the Galaxy Note 8 at all.

background: 'One UI' is Samsung's all-new Android-based software, as the company is looking to rebrand 'Samsung Experience UX'. One UI was announced yesterday during the Samsung Developer Conference, and that was only one of the announcements that the company made, as Samsung also talked about its foldable smartphone, while it showed off a prototype device as well, with a large display which you can fold, and it will be smaller. Samsung new UI and its devices. One UI, on its own, builds on Samsung UX Experience (at least partially), as it is a much cleaner version of Samsung Experience UX, with a number of improvements / changes, it's not a small change at all. One UI will keep the most important part of the display, as part of the display of 'Interaction Area', while the top part of the display is referred to as 'Viewing Area'. That makes makes sense considering how you're going to be, you're going to be used to interacting with the phone, and it's going to be a part of it.

Samsung actually said that it was made to reduce clutter and distractions, so that the user can focus on navigating its smartphone, and enjoy doing it. One UI removes actions and features from the display that are not essential for what you're doing at the moment, so it's dynamic. Let's take one UI's dialer as an example, as it's a typo a number, and it's just that you're playing. The company has also announced that it will be available in a wide range of colors, and will be available in a variety of other UI elements. All in all, One UI is suitable for large smartphones, while its focus lies in simplicity, and ease of use. Google will be based on Android 9 Pie, as already mentioned, and it will start rolling out to the Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9 +, and Galaxy Note9 handsets in January next year.

Impact: The Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 + and Galaxy Note 8 were all launched in 2017, and not releasing Android 9 Pie for those three smartphones would be quite surprising, and quite a mistake by Samsung. There's absolutely no reason to doubt Tom's Guide report, and what Samsung's Spokesperson said, but if that's the case, will Samsung actually release Samsung's experience, and push out Android 9 Pie their way ? It seems quite likely that one is coming in January, but it is an option. Not updating flagship devices, which are not recommended, especially when it is recommended that it be made to improve their devices. It is possible that the company's spokesperson made a mistake while giving its answer to Tom's Guide, and if that's the case, Samsung will surely be okay in the near future. Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8 +, and Galaxy Note9 users.

One UI, the other hand, seems like a positive step back. Samsung seems to have focused on what matters, and that it cleaning up its UI. It is true that these smartphones are quite large, and they are also quite tall, so that they will move more and more. A system-wide dark mode is also a positive step back, as it is available in a number of skins out there, and even Google released it with Android 9 Pie, even though it's not exactly consistent. It will be interesting to see Samsung's new user interface in action, and it will also be interesting to see if it's all about Samsung's skins. The company has a number of additional processes running in the background, which is why it is considered to be one of the heavier ones in the business. Samsung did not refer to that day, so it remains to be seen if any actions are taken to declutter that part as well.

One UI was one of the main announcements yesterday, as the company's demo foldable phone surely took the spotlight. An idea that you can fold your smartphone and put it in your pocket, and then unfold it when you need it. The demo device has been shown to be very small, but it has also taken a while to show the extent of the problem. This is only a demo device, and it should not be anything more than just a product of the future. The company is expected to announce its foldable smartphone in early 2019, quite likely during CES or MWC.

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