OnePlus 6T may be the first OnePlus phone to run on Verizon – BGR


OnePlus will unveil its second flagship product from 2018 in just a few days, although it had to move the event when Apple rained on its parade. Still, the OnePlus 6T remains one of the highlights on Android this year. The OnePlus 6T will offer a new design and will be the first OnePlus phone to be sold to an American operator. According to rumors, T-Mobile is a mobile operator, but a new report says the new phone will also work on Verizon.

Until now, US buyers have had no problem connecting OnePlus devices to AT & T or T-Mobile networks, but Verizon support was not available. however, PCMag has learned that the OnePlus 6T could also support Verizon when it launches in the coming weeks. The report notes that until the Asus ZenFone V, Verizon would not accept unlocked devices on its network, as these devices would not support 2G CDMA. The ZenFone V, meanwhile, is only LTE, and the OnePlus 6T is also likely to be an LTE-only device.

But Verizon's LTE coverage now exceeds the old CDMA coverage, the report adds, and the OnePlus 6T will support the 13 LTE band, which is "crucial" for Verizon's compatibility. And Veirzon's labs are apparently certifying the phone for the Big Red network.

As we have already said, thanks to agreements with operators, OnePlus phones seem even cheaper than they are, thus allowing buyers to pay them via installment payment plans. Not surprisingly, OnePlus may be interested in verifying Verizon phones, even if a partnership will not be announced soon. A few days ago, another report indicated that OnePlus was strengthening its presence in other markets, such as the UK, where more carriers would store the OnePlus 6T over previous aircraft.

The OnePlus 6T will be unveiled on October 29 and is expected to arrive in stores November 6, according to recent leaks.

Image source: OnePlus

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