OnePlus 6T: What it has not compared to the competition


The latest OnePlus smartphone is here, the OnePlus 6T, and it takes much of the same formula that OnePlus fans love about the company's devices.

Part of this formula includes a $ 550 price tag that looks too good to be true for a high-end smartphone with the same specifications as smartphones that cost a lot more. There's the Galaxy S9 Plus at $ 740, the iPhone XR at $ 750, the iPhone XS Max at $ 1,100, the Pixel 3XL at $ 900, the LG G7 at $ 720 and the LG V40 at $ 950. Although I should also note that some of the prices of these phones have been reduced from their original price tags to launch – the Galaxy S9 Plus that was released in March had an initial price of $ 840, for example.

So, there must be some small print, right? A kind of capture that explains why the OnePlus 6T is significantly cheaper than most competitors. Indeed, the OnePlus 6T does not have features comparable to those of its competitors, which could explain its lower price.

Before showing you what the OnePlus 6T has not compared to its more expensive competitors, you will notice that I have largely evoked the large range models of smart phones above. I compare the OnePlus 6T specifically to smartphones with a large screen rather than those with a standard screen of less than 6 inches. Indeed, if you specifically want a smartphone with a smaller screen, the OnePlus 6T with its 6.4 inch screen would not be an option.

The goal here is not to dissuade you from considering the OnePlus 6T for your next smartphone. With the knowledge below, you can make an informed decision, whether or not you think it's worth spending more on smartphones with these extra features.

Discover the features of the more expensive smartphones that the OnePlus 6T does not have:

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