OnePlus announces very cheap USB-C headphones


Finally! OnePlus has just announced the product that so many users of Android phones have been calling for for many months: cheap but high-quality USB-C headphones to replace analog headphones that we can no longer use with our phones without headphone jacks.

The new OnePlus Type-C Bullets is an improved version of the very good Wireless Bullets that I reviewed in 2016. The Bullets v2 were priced at $ 19.99, and OnePlus promises to keep the price unchanged with its new edition USB-C, while adding some design updates and features. Type-C chips will come with an integrated Cirrus Logic DAC, which should make them compatible with most USB-C devices, including laptops and tablets. They also have a built-in microphone and remote control.

OnePlus says it will release the new chips at the same time as its next flagship product, which we already know as OnePlus 6T, which will feature a built-in fingerprint reader. The specific timing of the publication has not yet been announced, but if OnePlus retains its traditional schedule, the OnePlus 6T and Type-C chips should be available in November or earlier.

Photo: OnePlus

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