Oops! It seems that the new revolutionary iPhones have serious problems of Wi-Fi and LTE connectivity


When the iPhone XS and XS Max were launched last Friday, many devices appeared. Despite the cost more than Rs 1 lakh, people really want the new iPhone.

Unfortunately, even with a high price, it seems that the new phones have glaring problems.

iPhone XS Max

Courtesy Images: Reuters

Shortly after the purchase, many users in the United States began to report a very poor Wi-Fi and cellular reception, especially compared to older models upgraded. Several sources of Reddit, MacRumors forums and even Apple's own forum pages indicate that the problem is not just a few cases here and there, but a widespread problem.

Given the diversity of customers who complain about this, it seems that the poor reception is not limited to a particular operator either, which means that the responsibility clearly falls on Apple. And it is very frustrating for users, to say the least, of what they have paid. It's like buying a motorcycle at high speed, but only to find a transmission problem that will not let you pass over the second gear.

Also read: Instead of buying this year's iPhones, you can get a bike or vacation abroad for the same amount.

Do not miss

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    In addition, Apple has repeatedly pointed out that the new A12 Bionic processor iPhone XS and XS Max makes everything faster than the iPhone X, including Wi-Fi and LTE. When disassembled from the device, iFixit even discovered a new antenna that should improve reception.

    Apple has not commented on the news yet, but it appears that they have answered a few user calls indicating they were aware that this was an emerging issue. It is then likely that they will investigate before giving the public an answer. In the meantime, people have a number of theories that could cause this. Some simply suggest that it could be a network overload, while others fear another hardware problem with the antenna, as there has been with the launch of the iPhone 4.

    I hope however that the problem can be resolved quickly with an Apple software update. Otherwise, there will be many people lining up at Apple Care Centers very soon.

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