Opinion: What GTA 6 Can Learn from Red Dead 2



Sometimes the old (western) ways are the best.

By Jon Ryan

After about 80 hours, I finally managed to use the credits of Red Dead Redemption 2 and, even though there is still a lot to do in this world, it's hard not to look to the future. Rockstar did incredible things playing the Old West, and despite some of its flaws, they set a new bar as a studio. From lavish environments to interactivity in the world, there are many ideas and mechanisms that would add a lot to the studio's flagship franchise – but we think a few more modest lessons might also be helpful to the older brother of Red Dead. Here are 8 things that GTA 6 can learn from Red Dead 2.

Keep investing in the characters

I want to address this one first, because even though it may seem generic, I often come back to the subject. Whether it's our own characters, support team members or even NPCs that are littering the world, well-designed characters in which we can invest are one of the assets that value good games, and Red Dead 2 presents one of the best cast of Rockstar. nowadays. Sadie Adler's fierce behavior and her refusal to respect the rules; Lenny Summers' reflection on a cultural expansion that exists outside the autonomous bubble in which the gang is trying to live; and Susan Grimshaw's instinct to take care of her side and protect it were all marked by the most memorable moments of the match.

The creative team did a great job of making fully realized people live in this world rather than just CG puppets waiting to tell you to film for the hundredth time. The main men of GTA 5 were mostly nice enough to play, but the only one I really felt was Franklin. The other two felt like excuses for making jokes about Hollywood or consumerism and providing an excuse for our more psychotic escapades.

Arthur, for his part, is easily the best-written protagonist of Rockstar. Associated with the strong performance of singer Roger Clark, he manages to hit all the emotional beats sought by narrative designers while remaining incredibly malleable when it comes to we choose to act as players. Everyone we control in the next hug of the GTA will have a lot to live on.

Offer us choices

We've seen a bit of it in GTA 5, especially in the solo story finale, but Red Dead 2 gives us an unprecedented choice among Rockstar titles. This is not a broad-based RPG, and although I would love to see the studio engage in such a project, I do not think GTA is the franchise. But seeing our choices – whether acting in a certain way towards NPCs or accepting certain missions over others – has tangible effects on Arthur's history and state of mind. 'esprit is a great addition to the Rockstar formula. I hope it will happen again when we get off our horses and get into a sports car (probably stolen).

Loosen the reins

Whichever way you choose to play, you can feel that Rockstars leads every inch of Red Dead 2, with mixed success, depending on what you ask for. The most controversial aspect of Red Dead 2 seems to be the way its gameplay is punctuated. Plundering corpses individually or relying mainly on coaches and railroads to move quickly is a matter of dispute for some and praiseworthy realism for others. Most of the time, I find myself in this last group, but there are times when I feel that these complaints could be avoided if Rockstar gave the players a little more control.

When Arthur goes to a general store to flick through a catalog or comes back to camp and refuses to go faster than a "mosey hurry", it seems like Rockstar stops the action to say "look what that we created for you – – you will miss something if you go too fast. "And although I appreciate all the efforts made to create every camping conversation or background dialogue in the living room Local, and 99% of the time, I will choose to continue slowly myself, but sometimes I just have to run to my tent, catch dynamite and GTFO The level of detail that Rockstar has worked so hard is phenomenal and deserves to to be studied, but it is strange to see a game that allows me as much freedom in his world to be simultaneously restrictive in such a specific way.

For the sake of God, do not make me travel through cinematics anymore

Likewise, Rockstar seems to be used to trying to turn interesting conversations into long sequences. I would be forever grateful to never have to drive several minutes in real life to a starting point of mission, while two characters exposed themselves constantly. Not only can it be incredibly frustrating to have to rehearse if a reset should take place – much to Rockstar's credit, they have typically recorded variations in the dialogue for when this happens – but this undermines what should be an important character moments. Too often, in RDR2, the Dutch would say to Arthur (or on the contrary) something that was clearly important to their relationship and to the story in general, and I would have missed it because I was busy steering my horse or managing my inventory, whatever. the fighting was on the horizon.

Certainly, cinematic vision combined with auto-ride makes this experience more enjoyable than in previous games, but it's an inelegant solution to give the player an effective cutscene feel. This is a valid design concern – how to balance a player's engagement in the story as it unfolds – but it always feels like it's hard to let the story take a place Central. The team is still as much, if not more, than the player: they have worked so hard to bring these characters and the story to life, it's almost unfair not to leave the space to land at these moments. I would much rather enjoy a well-composed cinematic interaction between the characters and then play in a short but well-designed mission sequence rather than move to the mission's "action" side to ask myself what I missed on the way .

Take us somewhere New

There has been a lot of speculation about where GTA 6 could take place, be it in Liberty City or Vice City, or even in the north of San Andreas to explore the San Fierro Bay area. But Red Dead 2 took us to a place we had not seen before, and its magnificent portrayal of the southeastern United States showed us that an unknown territory – and unusual – can be much more interesting than applying a new layer of textures in already known places. already been.

I've always wanted to see what GTA would do in my hometown, Boston, despite the fact that vocal actors can not traditionally reproduce our unique accents, nor Aster. Nor will I pretend that it would not bother me to wreak havoc in Rockstar-Verse's allegory for Washington, DC Rockstar could draw inspiration from Red Dead 2 and let us explore the modern world of rural America , like the rust belt or troubled cities such as Detroit or St. Louis. Damn, the original series had a game in London – we know we will not see it anytime soon, but why not show us what life is like on another continent in this crazy version of reality?

Avoid low hanging fruits

No matter where we end up in the next Grand Theft Auto, one of the most important clues he has to take from his old western brethren is this: keep your satire subtle. Well, maybe not too subtle, but we do not need to be beaten to the head with. I loved the story of GTA 5 in single player mode, but almost nothing comes from jokes that dot the real world. What it's like to call Facebook "Life Invader" or the "Molested" death screens in the Righteous Slaughter fictional game, these more obvious parodies seemed shameful and drew attention. attention of the game's more specific commentary on our modern culture of consumption.

RDR2 takes advantage of the fact that its frame is very far from our own world. As a result, his comedy stems largely from the relationships between his characters. I'm not saying that there is no room for parody in GTA 6, but the editorial team proved that she was able to write a humorous dialogue effective that corresponded perfectly to his unique cultural commentary, even on Red Dead 2 more sensitive topics, without resorting (completely) to ridicule without wit.

Maintain the strong arm of the law

Rockstar games – especially the GTA series – have always been destructive playgrounds where we are free to break any rules we want as long as we have enough ammo to repel the cops that inevitably present themselves in an attempt to ruin our good time. Even though this is still true in Red Dead Redemption 2, the ever-present threat of a showdown with The Law weighs much heavier than in Red Dead 1, or in any of the recent Grand Theft Autos. importance – and not only because they seem ready (and infinitely capable) to throw their weapons, whatever their accidental or defensive nature.

Yes, there are things I would like to change regarding the enthusiasm of cops in the game. I would really like to see a real added anonymity mechanism, more robust and more reliable than the effect bandana, but I really appreciate the fact that RDR2 m has actively wanted to avoid conflicts with the police to preserve not only my freedom, but my reputation. I know it might kill some of the fanciful power of banning the lives of some, but a crime story where I have to be actively aware of the impact of my actions on the world is far more interesting than just throwing everything rocket until my death.

To put me bad at ease

Not, for example, making me torture someone with clamps and car batteries while he obviously does not deserve it. Instead, try to make me feel guilty, ashamed, or sorry for your characters. Without going into too much detail to spoil anything, there are times in Red Dead 2 – especially towards the end – that I felt really uncomfortable playing because I knew how to play it. story would end for these characters. I do not expect or I do not want GTA 6 to rely on other character stories, but this feeling of heartbreaking anguish was something I will not forget. not so soon and I would be interested to see Rockstar try to develop this feeling of emotional malaise with characters I have not met yet.

Obviously, we have a lot of time waiting to see how GTA 6 ranks in the Rockstar Hall of Fame, but I would be surprised if they do not try again. If in the meantime you again Do not doubt the RDR2, check out the official verdict of IGN about the game, as well as all the opinions of others – and if you do not know where to find the best horse or forget the coolest tricks, do not worry no, our wikis The team has covered you in our comprehensive guide Red Red Redemption 2.

JR is a publisher at IGN who probably spends a lot of time playing crazy, both in Red Dead 2 or on Twitter.

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