Previously, Android phones contained a few hundred megabytes of RAM, then 1 GB, then 2 or 4 GB. Now 6 phones, even 8 GB, are common in the high end. One may wonder if 8 GB of RAM is useful on Android, but Oppo goes even further. A list of Chinese regulator TENAA shows that a version of Find X with 10 GB of RAM is in progress.

Let's just go back and see how much RAM is. Most modern laptops only contain 8 GB of RAM in the base model. In fact, the 13-inch MacBook Pro comes with 8GB at the $ 2,000 price point. Samsung uses default 6 GB on Note 9, and if you want 8 GB, you need the $ 1,250 upgrade version. The Find X TENAA list shows no other surprises in this version of the phone. It will still have the same Snapdragon 845, 256 GB of RAM and a 3.730 mAh battery. It's just the RAM that is different.

Find X targets Asian markets where specifications are extremely important. That's not to say that they are not important elsewhere, but the focus is less on the amount of RAM or the number of processor cores of a phone in the West. So, it's not really surprising that Oppo wants to innovate with this high-end phone. Even if 10GB of RAM will not make the phone better, it will look more impressive on the specification table.