Outlook.com the latest site to copy Ars, offers "dark mode"


The most popular feature application for Microsoft Outlook.com has been to add a dark / nocturnal theme that replaces the scary white with a calming dark gray, making it less visually traumatic to check your email after the nightfall. Microsoft has now announced that this is coming soon, as The Verge has noticed.

The new theme will be based on a special dark theme that has been offered to Halloween. Since then, it has apparently been "redesigned many times" and the company says it will be "the best dark mode of any major email client."

But as exciting as that (with the work in dark mode from Microsoft in Explorer) I can not help but think that it's a little hat. A dark mode? On a website? Why, we did this to Ars for years . Click on this small hamburger menu at the top of each page, and you can switch between the dark text on conventional light and the friendly globe-glow light-on-darkness.

We are crazy pioneers.

So, on the one hand, good work Microsoft; This will be an interesting addition to Outlook.com. But on the other hand? I just have to wonder why it takes so much time.

Quotation of the image by Peter Pearson

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