Overheating problems continue to weigh on Apple's AirPower Charging Mat


According to a series of reports citing several sources close to the problem, the problems of overheating, communication and interference continue to hinder the development of Apple's AirPower wireless charging unit. The problems contributed to the absence of the AirPower during the announcement last week.

AirPower was unveiled more than a year ago at the same event as Apple's announcement of iPhone X, the company's first device to support wireless charging. AirPower was to be the company's first wireless charger, capable of simultaneously charging your AirPod (with compatible box), Apple Watch and iPhone. The consensus seems to be that Apple has bit a lot more than it can chew with the ambitious device.

Write about Bold fireballJohn Gruber, a technology blogger, blames blame for the AirPower carpet's multi-coil design, which would have caused the camera to overheat. These rumors of overheating have existed since June and it seems that Apple is still struggling to find a solution.

Another technology blogger, Sonny Dickson, corroborates these rumors and provides further details on the extent of the problems. In addition to being too hot to charge the devices effectively, the AirPower carpet would also have difficulty communicating with them, that is to say, it does not know the load levels of the devices it fills.

Finally, according to Dickson, trying to charge multiple devices simultaneously also caused interference problems.

Neither Gruber nor Dickson are committed to saying whether the device has been delayed or canceled entirely, but both agree that the situation is not excellent for Apple. "Good and really fucked," says Gruber, while "doomed to failure" is the way Dickson describes the general feeling of the business.

What is certain is that with any mention of the wrong device now removed from the Apple site, we probably should not expect AirPower to come back soon (at least not in this form, Dickson suggests that the brand new name product at a later date).

AirPower has always been an ambitious engineering. While normal wireless chargers contain only one coil designed to charge a single device at a time, Apple's first foray into the zone would contain between 16 and 24 superimposed coils of different sizes designed to charge multiple devices simultaneously. All this adds to a very "Apple" device, in which the company uses pre-existing technology and provides us with sufficient usability improvements to outperform the competition.

At least, this would have been the case if an AirPower mat worked on time.

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