Overwatch fans want the demolition ball to just call Hammond


Hammond is one of the best hamster names in history, miles ahead of Squeaks, Furball, or whatever else children name their pets. Despite this, the team Overwatch insists on officially calling the new hero of the game "Wrecking Ball", a name that seems more appropriate for a figurine GI Joe or a good one ( fight me) but played Miley Cyrus song. The players are not happy with that.

The name, say several players, lack of flair over other code names Overwatch . "In simple terms: Wrecking Ball is generic and uninspired, like a WIP name without real charisma or individuality," wrote a player named d3fin3d to launch a thread that received nearly 24,000 upvotes on Reddit. It would be like naming Bastion 'Tank', 'D.Va'. Mech & # 39; or Zenyatta & # 39; Robot & # 39;

They also pointed out that everyone has already gotten into the habit of calling the hamster by his first name, Hammond.In another thread, hundreds of people said that they Would probably call Ham or Hammond when he leaves the PTR and join the live game. "Ham" and "Hamster" also make easier calls in the middle of battle than Wrecking Ball, and let's not forget that Winston, Overwatch The animal that originally spoke in outer space, simply called Winston.

There is, of course, a comedy inherent in the call of d & # 39; A little creature of Wrecking Ball down but the death mech and his deep and outspoken voice already make the heavy task of associating a cute thing with threatening accents.

Moreover, Wrecking Ball makes it look like to a monster truck. "SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY", writes a player named Alefnull.

But, other support nent, it is the goal. According to Blizzard's blizzard book, Hammond used the name Wrecking Ball while participating in a mech battle called Scrapyard, which was organized by Junkrat and the Roadhog people, the Junkers

. fan named IronLionMan. "The engines roar and roar.The announcer presents," WRRRECKING BALL !!! "It's the atmosphere of the Junker arena and the Blizzard atmosphere. WRRRECKING BALL !!! vs Hammond You see how much Hammond is stupid in comparison. "

If nothing else, you have to admit that Wrecking Ball is a high concept nomenclature. Nobody understands what he's doing

As for the Overwatch development team they're sticking to Wrecking Ball. When Overwatch League player Brandon "Seagull" Larned pointed out that everyone called him Hammond at a discussion of online developers, chief designer Geoff Goodman did not seem not too troubled

that, "Goodman chuckled," I've come to grips with that. "

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