Overwatch finally reveals what the inevitable revision of Torbjorn will look like


EveThe fervent dwarf engineer Torbjorn has long been considered a "choice of trolls". In my experience, the blood pressure of teammates soars when players choose it. We already knew that Torbjorn was in the process of rebuilding itself EveJeff Kaplan's game director finally announced what Torbjorn 2.0 would look like.

"The goal of all these changes is to make Torb a more acceptable choice for attacks and defense and fewer cards or roles than it used to be," Kaplan said in the announcement video. 'today.

After the update, Torbjorn will no longer use the armor packs. Its secondary ability will resemble its current ultimate ability, the melted heart, which will give it a speed boost, damage resistance and increased firing rate. It will be called "Overload", and according to Kaplan, "this will make Torb more viable as a damage giver in more situations where he can come in and fight a bit."

Without the "scrap" system, Torbjorn signature turrets will also be very different. He will now be able to launch them and, fortunately, he will be able to launch them into areas he could not reach before, which could make them more difficult to eliminate. With this change, the turrets will not become stronger with a leveling system. Instead, the turrets will be at the level we now know as level two and they will go through a "short but fast build time".

While Torbjorn's ultimate ability, the melted core, will retain its name (and its vocal line sounding on Pokémon:Moolteenn ….. Core !!!!!!), the capacity itself becomes completely revised. "He can shoot puddles of this liquid magma that are very devastating in terms of area of ​​effect," said Kaplan, adding that "this inflicts additional damage to the armor." to know what they will look like again.

The update of the game today has also attracted other updates on the game, including the changes made to Pharah and Orisa, as well as the annual event. Halloween in which – the alert lede buried – proud! Finally, Eve will update updates for color-blind players to enhance their gaming experience.

Now, for a Torbjorn vocal line: "I'm planning great things for you!"

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