Overwatch Halloween Update Release Notes Includes Torbjorn Rework And More


Overwatch has launched the Halloween Terror 2018 event, and the patch that adds holiday festivities includes many other things. Full patch notes indicate Torbjorn changes, color blindness options, and more.

Halloween Terror 2018 is the star of the update, but it also includes the major update for Torbjorn announced last month. Torb does not use any more armor nor the recovery system. Instead, its secondary capacity has been replaced by "Overload", which is very similar to its previous Ultimate ability. The new Ultimate, called Molten Core, will launch puddles of magma. In addition, the turret construction levels have been completely removed and are now permanently set at the second level.

Torbjorn was originally designed to be a specialized hero, intended to be a powerful defensive option because of his abilities to generate armor and control areas with his turret. Armor Pack mechanisms have been proven to pose gambling problems. Because of their party nature or famine, "reads Blizzard's patch notes. "To make it more flexible in a wide variety of situations, we've removed the recovery system, simplified turret deployment, replaced the Armor Pack capability with Overload – a powerful self-buff – and turned Molten Core into a powerful new ultimate deny area ability ".

The update also adds a new color-blind option, giving you nine different color-blind options to use for the user-friendly and user-friendly interface. These options can be found in Options> Video> Colorblind Options. The strengths of the shields and barriers have been modified for better readability, and health bars will become visible if an entity created by them (such as one of Torb's turrets) deals damage.

Other changes include minor changes to Brigitte, Doomfist, McCree, Pharah, Mei, Orisa and Soldier 76. The stopwatch has also been adjusted for Assault and Escort cards, giving players less time to configure their team, but more. In addition to Torb, Pharah got the most spectacular updates, with many changes in the recoil, blast damage and attack speed of his rocket launcher.

"We wanted to increase the responsiveness of Pharah's Rocket Launcher because a second recovery between shots made it slow," Blizzard said. "The overall damage potential is now increased when landing direct hits and slightly decreased if it is only explosive damage."

All of these changes go hand in hand with the great seasonal event of Overwatch, which includes a set of new skins and other collectible cosmetics. It also includes Junkenstein's limited-term Revenge mode, which is available this year in Classic and Endless Night flavors.

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