At BlizzCon 2018, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan appeared on stage to debut Reunion, a new animated short for McCree. It begins at Route 66's diner, where the gunslinger is enjoying a slice of pie, before a train crashes just outside. McCree grabs his hat and his guns and sets out to investigate.
As the Deadlock rob gang rob, McCree comes into view to meet Ash, a white-haired member of the gang who seems to be voiced by Jennifer Hale. McCree asks her to hand over a thing that has something mysterious in it. Sadly, we are not getting to see what's inside, but having seen it, Ash decides to hold onto it. Naturally, a standoff begins, and you can see how it goes in the video above.
In the lead up to BlizzCon, Blizzard set the direction of expectations, saying that it was not planning to announce a new Overwatch map during the show. However, it did not confirm that new map was indeed in development. Kaplan confirmed that Ashe is the new Overwatch hero. We've had learned what Ashe's abilities are.
New Overwatch Character, Hearthstone Expansion, Warcraft 3 Remaster Announced At Blizzcon – GS News Update
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Major updates are on their way to a few of Overwatch's characters. Currently, Blizzard is testing tweaks to Mercy, Reaper, Symmetra, and Roadhog on the Public Realm Test. The PTR is only available on PC, where they are able to take over these versions of these characters before they are released.
Among the changes, the cost of Mercy's Ultimate is lowered by 15%, while it's more than a viable and valuable healer. For Reaper, meanwhile, the spread pattern of being more consistent, while the amount of health gains from the Reaping ability has increased. This means that his potential offensive in direct engagements is much better. For Symmetra, her primary fire beam will charge 20% faster, which raises her damage output.
However, Roadhog has had the most significant changes, with its Hook cooling down as soon as it's used now. When the hook lands, it now reduces its victim's speed of movement too. The spread pattern on Roadhog 's Scrap Gun has been adjusted. Finally, the knockback velocity of his Whole Hog has been increased. The patch notes for the PTR update can be found here.