Overwatch: New Hammond Hero (AKA Wrecking Ball) is live on PTR; Revealed Capabilities


Shortly after Blizzard teased Hero 28 for Overwatch and revealed his identity as a cute pudgy hamster, the company released him on the Public Test Realm and detailed his full suite of abilities. The new hero is indeed Hammond, as suspect, although his name in the game is Wrecking Ball.

As seen in the trailer, Wrecking Ball has the ability to turn into a ball and roll to increase its speed of movement, and its automatic weapons are known as Quad Cannons. Grappling Claw allows him to send a grapple that allows him to swing around the next area, which Blizzard said "high-speed collisions to damage and repel enemies."

Adaptive Shield provides shields for Wrecking Ball that increase in effectiveness depending on the number of nearby enemies. Piledriver causes Wrecking Ball to fall into the ground, inflicting damage and knocking enemies into the air. His ultimate is Minefield, which exposes a "massive" minefield that explodes when enemies approach them. Its backstory is detailed on the Blizzard website; you can watch his original video below or watch some Hammond gameplay in our livestream.

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As noted above, you can try Wrecking Ball for you now if you own overwatch on PC. A new update has been released on the PTR, which you can access through the Region / Account drop-down menu of the Battle.net application. There is no word on how long the PTR will be available or when Wrecking Ball will be released in the live game on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

This PTR update also does a number of other things. There are hero updates for several characters, making "major changes" to avoid the damage of McCree, Bastion, Mei, Soldier 76 and Widowmaker. The new Hanzo Storms see a little nerve, Assault cards now provide a minute less for each checkpoint goal, and various bugfixes have been implemented. You can see all these changes in the full release notes.

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