Overwatch players are already doing ridiculous things with Wrecking Ball


The new Overwatch hero, Wrecking Ball, is a cute little hamster piloting a giant spherical mech. He hit the PTR servers (like a demolition ball) yesterday, so the players put him to the test. Our own Samuel Horti believes that he is the most inventive hero so far, and players have certainly "invented" the hell of some strategies on the overwatch subreddit.

The entire Wrecking Ball skill kit is quite interesting, but to no one's surprise, the players have been hooking on their grappling hook and are running to break all the cards in Overwatch. Here are some shortcuts that have been found so far:

Via Derrydude

Via zachzwp

Via ow_jaybee

Via koen967

Of course, other players also took Wrecking Ball in made-to-measure matches to make fun of his abilities. With deactivated cooldowns, his grapple turns him into spherical Spider-Man.

Via dontreadthis0 (oh shit, I read that)

Via AltalRRR

Via JinkoNorray

You can attach the Wrecking Ball grappling to almost anything, including the payload, as demonstrated Pirupanda here:

Warumwolf had a similar idea, but performed it with a little more … gusto:

Other players brought the same strategy to the objectives:

Via Pharah_is_my_waIfu (excellent choice)

Via AWPen_Fire

This is an incredibly stupid idea that really works, so the players also worked hard on Wrecking Ball countermeasures. Here GreasyJeeves takes advantage of the Mei Ice Wall:

I can not wait to see what professional players are doing with Wrecking Ball. It is a frighteningly mobile tank, and its Piledriver ability, which sends opponents in the air, will certainly make fun moments. Personally, I hope to see a team of losers win a victory by turning around the payload. Bastion pilots would be proud.

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