Parents pay to get training for their Fortnite children


Fortnite has become immensely popular over the past year, and new reports are revealing that some parents even pay for their children to receive coaches Fortnite . The video game has been a huge success since its launch, and with its latest updates, Fortnite does not seem to want to disappear anytime soon.

On July 25, 2018, marked the first anniversary of Fortnite's Exit and in one year, the game became a cultural phenomenon. Epic Games has certainly hit a home race with their royal battle style game. In March 2018, Fortnite earned $ 223 million in a single month . Players spent hours and hours in the world of Fortnite in order to improve their characters and break records in the game. With the popularity of the game, newcomers may have of difficulty playing with more advanced players, that is why parents hire Fortnite to help their children excel.

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According to The Wall Street Journal (via Bleacher Report ), parents pay the coaches at the time to improve the techniques Fortnite of their children. One parent commented: " There is pressure not only to play it, but to be really good at this game. " Parents can pay their children to learn a sport or an instrument, but now this same concept is moving towards video game prowess.

While there was evidence of Fortnite beginning to slow down, game developers have continually added updates to keep players interested. In May, Thanos was added to the game as a playable character for a limited time. Also, Fortnite was originally released on X-Box One, PS4, Microsoft Windows, and MacOS, but has gained even more players now that it has recently been expanded to include a mobile game and become available on the Nintendo Switch.

It may seem silly to imagine hiring a video game coach, but the game industry has developed so rapidly over the last few decades that games have become a hobby again more popular than in the past. Games like Fortnite have not only become popular to play, but also to watch, thanks to streaming services like Twitch. Always coaching yourself to improve something usually gets good results. Watching someone else play a video game on Twitch can have the same results, since players are learning new techniques and new game styles. These two options for improving his video game skills are only not bad, but they could be paler in comparison with hiring a dedicated coach.

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Source: The Wall Street Journal (via Bleacher Report)

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