PC Shadow players of the Tomb Raider are angry at the recent price cut on Steam


Shadow of the Tomb Raider marks the end of Square Enix's rebooted trilogy, and while the title did not necessarily "make waves" in the video game industry, it served as a satisfying and well-honed conclusion to the game. story of Lara Croft.

This being a AAA title, the game of course costs the first users a normal $ 60, which is the norm for any product as important as this one. Since the game was released more than a month ago, prices remained the same on digital and physical storefronts, with one exception, and Steam, where last week the title was benefited from a 34% discount, making the price of the action-adventure. title at around $ 40.

You may think that it will not be a problem, but apparently, for tons of Steam users, that's the case. According to Game Informer, at the initial launch of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, user reviews were positive, meaning that at least 70% of reviews were satisfactory. But after this sharp price drop, 66% of critics of the game were negative and tons of comments have shown that the game was released for a month, finally leaving those who paid the full price for the game.shadow of the tomb robbers

This happens with games all the time. You decide to buy a game on the first day or earlier, only to find that it has been significantly reduced or worse, free for PS Plus users or featured on Xbox Free Games With Gold. There is really no way to avoid such situations. Thanks to Steam critics who feel they have been cheated, Shadow of the Tomb Raider seems to be a "zero" game due to the abundance of negative comments. As you can see on this chart, the day the price drop occurred, hundreds of reviews were written, and if you compare that to the dozen times that the game would take place on a normal day, that's a lot.

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