Pearl Abyss Acquire CCP Developer Games & EVE Online & # 39; – Variety


Pearl Abyss, the Korean developer behind the massive online multiplayer role-playing game "Black Desert Online," plans to acquire CCP Games, creator of the game "EVE Online," the group said Thursday.

CCP Games will continue to operate independently as a developer with studios in Reykjavik, London and Shanghai, Pearl Abyss said, but will also bring its development and publishing expertise to Pearl Abyss's current and future projects.

"We are delighted that CCP Games is joining our team as" Black Desert Online "continues to expand globally," said Pearl Abyss CEO Robin Jung. "CCP is a seasoned publisher with more than 15 years of digital distribution experience and expertise. They have done an incredible job of engaging and maintaining their base of players, which we want to build on and we hope to integrate natively into the general practices of Pearl Abyss in all our games. I am confident that CCP's intellectual property and renowned expertise in global publishing will help reaffirm our company's commitment to the development and maintenance of the best MMORPGs in the world.

"EVE Online" by CCP Games is a popular science fiction MMO launched in 2003. It is known for its sense of scale and the political machinations of its players. A battle involving thousands of ships in a one-star system would have taken 21 hours to complete and cost up to $ 330,000 in real currency. Nicknamed "The Bloodbath of B-R5RB", it is now considered one of the biggest and most expensive battles in the history of video games.

"As CCP's lead investor for more than 13 years alongside General Catalyst and NEA, we have seen CCP grow from a few dozen people to hundreds of employers around the world, with a growing customer base and multiple securities, "said Birgir Már Ragnarsson of Novator Partners and Chairman of CCP. "CEO Hilmar V. Pétursson and his dedicated team have created a company that Novator and its partners are proud to present to Pearl Abyss and we wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors."

"Black Desert Online" was launched in Korea in 2014 and was hailed at the time for its beautiful graphics and sandbox gameplay. A mobile version launched in the first half of 2018 and registering record sales in Korea. Pearl Abyss is now planning a global launch for the mobile title in 2019.

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