People are already hacking the NES Switch Online NES Emulator


The Nintendo Switch Online subscription service was launched a few days ago, allowing paying members to access multiplayer online, as well as a selection of classic NES games with online features. additional. Although you only need to have 20 games with a subscription, the pirates, in a little surprise, have already launched the emulator and started adding theirs.

According to the user of Twitter KapuccinoHeck, the emulator used to run NES games on Nintendo Switch, is very similar to the technology used in NES Classic and SNES Classic, both cracked and laden with additional games almost immediately after their release. The database containing the game files is written in plain text, making it easier to send additional ROMs later, and it is even possible to run the online games with a friend.

YouTube videos have already been shared with other games being played on the Switch, including Battletoads. Since the Switch is connected to the Internet – unlike the NES Classic or the SNES Classic – we would not be surprised if the company finds a way to disable this ability in the future, but players are definitely taking advantage now.

The willingness of Nintendo fans to add more games like this is probably reinforced by the lack of a traditional "virtual console" on the Switch. Previous Wii-based Nintendo systems allowed players to buy digital versions of classic Nintendo games and emulate them on their current system. Given the power of the switch, it seems that the technical problems do not prevent it, but Nintendo has not shared any details or plans regarding the implementation of such a system.

If you start your switch and try to play online without a subscription right now, you'll get bad news, but a one-year membership will only cost you $ 20. Games currently available in the NES vault include Super Mario Bros. and THE legend of Zeldaand a subscription is also the only way to access the cloud backup of the system. Do not let your membership lapse or your cloud save data could be lost for good.

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