Petty Instagram photos may not survive this new anti-crab


Instagram has mobilized artificial intelligence in the fight against cyberbullying. The social media site announced that it was deploying machine learning in order to detect petty photos and to help everyone on Instagram in general #BeBest, as Melania Trump would like.

"While the majority of photos shared on Instagram are positive and bring joy to people, a nasty or unwelcome photo is sometimes shared," Adam Mosseri, the new Instagram director, said in a press release. . "We now use machine learning technology to proactively detect bullying on photos and their captions. and send them to our community operations team for review. "

Why go for artificial intelligence to detect bullying instead of relying on users to report violations? Instagram said it found that many people who experience or observe bullying do not report it. (From experience, a more common answer is to retreat into the bathroom to drown in Biscoff's cookies.) So this is an interesting application of machine learning – which has not been proven as particularly clever tool in terms of say, for example, discerning a sarcasm or determining if something is actually intimidation, as opposed to a kind trolling on the part of your big brother, as required by law sibling.

It will be interesting to see how AI manages to navigate the complex world of visual language or whether each user will see his comments filtered at a given moment. The new technology has begun to be deployed and will continue in the coming weeks.

The platform technology update comes a few months after Instagram launched a site-based harassment comment filter, which proactively detects and hides comments about harassment. The site owned by Facebook is now extended to comments on live video, hoping to keep everyone friendly and friendly.

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