PlayStation 4 message that crashed Fixed Consoles


A message from the PlayStation 4 that was crashing consoles has been corrected and Sony has issued a statement explaining how to manually fix the problem for anyone still experiencing the problem. The bug allowed malicious users to send a message that would loop the console.

The messages used an unrecognized character to force the console to hang. In some cases, a loop hangs, making the console unable to boot properly and running games or applications. You can prevent future exploits like this by modifying your settings to allow only friend messages.

In his commentary on Twitter, Sony suggested to delete the offending message via the mobile application PS, then start the console in safe mode and select option 5. This should solve the problem, and the company has issued a fix to prevent further propagation of malicious messages. In one to follow to another user, the PlayStation team has directed users to the reporting tools in order to make the users likely to send the messages.

If you're looking for something new to play on your PS4 that no longer contains bugs, there's an ongoing sale on the PlayStation Store, or you can learn about some of the best benefits of the console. It's a busy time though, with tons of big recent releases and another coming next week in Red Dead Redemption 2. Spider-Man, an exclusive for PS4, is also preparing to add its first content expansion downloadable, with Black Cat and many new Spider-. costumes to win.

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