PlayStation 4 update 6.0 was a giant disappointment


The owners of PlayStation 4 have turned on their consoles as of today to discover a surprise update of version 6.0. Such a beautiful round number would usually accompany a nice update, one containing at least one major feature and more than two proper adjustments. This was not the case, however … in fact, the update did not include any new functionality and instead proposed a changelog with a single sentence.

Although Sony has given PS4 owners some of the features they have requested, such as folders to better organize their games, others are still missing – including the ability to change your PSN name, by updating it.

This feature did not happen in the v6.0 update … no feature appeared, at least not what Sony revealed. Instead, the console owners opened the software change log only to discover this simple sentence: "This system software update improves system performance." Nothing else.

It was a boring update but not terribly surprising; Sony has done the same in the past. Compared to the v5.0 update, which brought big changes, the update was disappointing for console owners who were hoping for something great. If you have a PS4, you will be prompted to update it if it was not installed automatically.

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