PlayStation announces the return of the classic console of the 90s


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PlayStation fans and those who were nostalgic for the 90s were thrilled Wednesday, Sony announced that they would relaunch a new version of the original PlayStation, called PlayStation Classic.

The game console, which according to Sony Computer Entertainment will be a "new miniaturized version" of the original, will be preloaded with 20 classic titles. According to a press release from the company, these titles will include "Final Fantasy VII" and "Tekken 3", with further announcements to come in the coming weeks. Only five titles have been made public so far.

The latest version of the classic retro will be available for $ 99.99 in the United States as of December 3, exactly 25 years after the launch of the original PlayStation in Japan, the statement said.

"Longtime fans will enjoy the nostalgia of rediscovering the games they know and love, while players who may be new to the platform can enjoy the revolutionary PlayStation console," wrote Eric Lempel. , Senior Vice President of PlayStation Worldwide Marketing, on the PlayStation blog.

The PlayStation Classic will now have a USB and HDMI port so users can connect the device almost anywhere.

But one omission is the lack of joysticks, which became the norm after their introduction in 1997.

Al DeLeon, Senior Director Hardware and Network Public Relations for Sony Interactive Entertainment, told NBC News that part of the decision to release the console was to allow young players to discover the PlayStation in its original format.

Since the announcement, fans around the world have taken Twitter to express their reactions.

"The simple fact of having the novelty of a small PlayStation 1 and some of the best games will make this feeling nostalgic even stronger," said Jay Bari.

Bari, a player, said he would buy the PlayStation Classic in December, but sees it more as a "collector's item."

"The PlayStation classic is going to be divine, but it would be EXTRA GDLK if they have three games that I personally want. "Lunar Silver Star Story," "Final Fantasy," "Battle Arena Toshiden 2," tweeted Justin Wong, an Echos Fox player, an ESports organization.

But there are also others who tell NBC News that they will say "No thanks" to the December classic retro.

"I think it's something they do to keep pace with Nintendo," said Persona McCready, a YouTube player based in New York. "Although the competition is still good, I do not see myself buying it, because I already have a vita and I can buy PS1 games from there."

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