PlayStation Classic Release Date, Prices, Games – Pre-order PlayStation Classic – All we know


the PlayStation Classic is a case of Sony taking a page from the Nintendo book, bringing back a famous and adored console to life in the form of mini. In this PlayStation Classic all we know how to guide, we will list all the details we know so far on the upcoming mini-console, including the PlayStation Classic release date, all PlayStation Classic Games we know so far as well as the final PlayStation Classic Award and or pre-order the PlayStation Classic. The pre-orders for the limited edition PlayStation Classic are now online, so check out the links below for everything you need.

In short, the PlayStation Classic is a small retro console with 20 classic PlayStation games. It comes with two original PlayStation mini controllers, has an HDMI output to connect to modern TVs and does not allow to purchase additional games. a later date. Functionally, this is identical to the NES and SNES Classic consoles, where the drives are limited to the titles provided with the systems (unless legally challengeable changes are made). Read on for a more detailed description of PlayStation Classic features.

PlayStation Classic Release Date

On September 19, Sony unveiled the PlayStation Classic for the very first time. The release date of the PlayStation Classic is December 3, 2018, arriving 24 years after the release of the console in 1994 (at least in Japan). The PlayStation Classic will be released globally on that date.

Pre-Order PlayStation Classic

Pre-orders for the PlayStation Classic mini-console are not yet available everywhere, but we will update this page with pre-order lists, as they will be added to various retailers in the United States and Canada. UK. Right now you can pre-order the PlayStation Classic on Amazon, Best Buy and GAME.

Which games are included with the PlayStation Classic?

What games can we expect to play on the PlayStation Classic during the holiday season? Sony's announcement reveals that 20 games will be launched on the mini-console later this year, but for now, only those listed below have been unveiled.

  • Final Fantasy 7
  • Tekken 3
  • Ridge Racer 4
  • Flash jumping
  • Wild arms

This is a mix of the obvious (Tekken, Ridge Racer and FF are all staples of PlayStation), but with a bit of flavor too. While Jumping Flash was a launching point for the PlayStation, its first-person gameplay made it a point of contention. New games for the PlayStation Classic should be revealed before the launch of the console in December. We will update the list above with all the new games that Sony reveals, from here on.

But what other games could potentially be included on the PlayStation Classic? We have compiled a list of PS One games that we want to include in the PlayStation Classic. Tell us what games you want the PlayStation Classic to have, in the comments below.

One thing that is not going to be an option (at least not officially) is the addition of new games after the release. Sony's information sheet on the PlayStation Classic reveals that games can not be added to the mini console, so stop dreaming of a full PlayStation store.

PlayStation Classic Award

Regarding the price of the PlayStation Classic when it was launched in December, Sony revealed that it would cost $ 99.99. In the UK, the PlayStation Classic will cost £ 89.99. All units will come with two mini replicas of the original PlayStation controller. These controllers came before the analog sticks were the norm, so use only a d-pad. Does this seem like a reasonable price for the mini console? Let us know in the comments below.

PlayStation Classic Resolution and Outputs

Sony has revealed that the PlayStation Classic will have an HDMI output, usable on modern TVs, but the resolution of the system will likely be disappointing for modern TV users. The maximum output resolution of the PlayStation Classic is 720p, but also supports 480p (according to a list on the official PlayStation Japan website.

Size and weight of PlayStation Classic

The PlayStation Classic is much smaller than the original PlayStation, with an overall volume of about 80% smaller. We have all the dimensions of the PlayStation Classic and its weight is shown below.

  • 149 × 33 × 105 mm (width × height × depth)
  • Body of 170 g
  • 140 g controller

It's a pretty little console. If you have room on your TV for more consoles, the PlayStation Classic should fit right next to your NES Classic and SNES Classic.

Does the PlayStation Classic need a memory card?

The original users of the required PlayStation purchase a memory card if they wish to record their progress in the games (which, of course, everyone did). The PlayStation Classic has what looks like ports for memory cards, above the controller ports, but these are meant to be exposed. The PlayStation Classic uses a virtual memory card so that any progress in the included games can be recorded.

That's all we know about the PlayStation Classic at this point. We will make sure to update this page with more information as Sony publishes it.

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