PlayStation Classic relies on an open source emulator for its 20 games


Following in the footsteps of Nintendo and their recent NES and SNES Classic mini consoles, Sony will release a similar version of the PS1 next month: the PlayStation Classic, a plug-and-play replica of the 32-bit console, loaded with 20 most memorable games of the platform. Like the Nintendo Classic systems, the PlayStation Classic will use an emulator to run its games, but in the case of Sony, it will rely on open source software.

Kotaku I became familiar with the PlayStation Classic and discovered that he was using the PCSX ReARMed emulator, a modern version of the PCSX Open Source emulator originally developed between 2000 and 2003 for Windows, Mac and Linux. The site notes that the software does a pretty good job of keeping games true to their mid-to-late 90s, though some do not transition to HD screens as well as others.

Some gaming enthusiasts have found the use of this emulator by Sony a bit surprising, not to say ironic. Although the software was licensed for the PlayStation Classic by the company, it was many years ago one of the biggest opponents of emulators because of their participation in video game piracy. Even though they were still copies of games, distributed as ROMs, they were illegal, not emulators themselves, but the software was not too popular with gaming companies .

Sony is now criticized as "lazy" by some players for its use of the open source emulator, while Nintendo has developed its for the NES and the SNES Classic. Others noted, however, that this is a sign that Sony and others view open-source emulators as something as good, if not better, than an "official" version developed in-house. As Frank Cifaldi, founder of the Video Game History Foundation, commented on Twitter: "Should we expect that Sony will spend time and money on a project that will probably not perform as well as PCSX? Why?"

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