Pokemon Go finally stops destroying your battery with the launch of Adventure Sync


Pokemon Go is a notorious battery since its release in 2016, mainly because of one specific item: the Pokémon unknown egg, which has always been done while roaming the real world with Pokemon Go running on your phone. With the release of the new Adventure Sync feature, the game is now able to follow steps without having it running – which means that the game should finally become a bit more user friendly for the battery.

Niantic Labs developers have offered this feature to at least some members of the Pokemon Go community this week, allowing them to sign up for Adventure Sync. According to Niantic's support page detailing the feature, Adventure Sync seems to work by using your phone's fitness tracking software, either Apple Health or Google Fit, and then using the step data that your phone tracks, and translating into the game. This change is expected to hatch Pokémon eggs and earn Buddy candies, also obtained by walking. Since its launch, Pokemon Go uses location data to track the distance traveled, rather than the actual measurements taken – a metric that can sometimes be difficult to track, and which absorbs a lot of battery and cell data.

Using Adventure Sync also means that Pokemon Go provides you with a weekly report of your fitness that tells you how far you have traveled, how many steps you have made, how many eggs you have hatched and how many sweets you have won .

Adventure Sync is not available for everyone on Pokemon Go for the moment. The Niantic's support page for the feature says that it is gradually being extended to the community of players, but "we are looking forward to granting access to all top-level people at level 5." " Once Adventure Sync is fully implemented, it will be available to all players once they have reached level 5 of the game. You will also need to activate the feature in the Settings menu or you will be stuck with the game. old step tracking method.

Niantic has been busy with Pokemon Go recently – he just started a new event in the game and released a new Pokemon. He also launched the first wave of Gen 4 Pokémon in the Sinnoh area in October and another community day will be held on November 10th. This will feature an increased number of spawns from Cyndaquil, a Gold and Silver Pokémon.

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