Pokemon: let's go Pikachu and Bishop! criticism – a children's classic, refreshed | Games


A Beloved children's movies can easily be shared with the next generation, but the children's favorite video games of the 1990s can now seem very primitive, even though they're as entertaining to play as ever. The first releases of Super Mario and Sonic the Hedgehog may have withstood these years, but not Pokémon: Red and Blue, the founding text of the millennial generation. After all, the originals were played on a two-inch Game Boy screen.

Pokemon: let's go! and let's go Pikachu! are transformational remakes of these 20-year old games for Nintendo Switch, with stunning cartoon graphics and characterful animation to replace the chunky monochrome pixel approximations of the 1997 Kanto. And yet, imagination and wonder these creatures and the world in which children venture to find their own destiny in the company of loyal and adorable animals are still powerful. Gathering and fighting the 150 or so original creatures, forming a special team of six to compete against Gym Leader and Elite Four and becoming the best Pokémon coach in the world is, in retrospect, a tale of persistence, loyalty and self-determination. .

Pokemon is a classic fantasy of empowering children. Like the Chronicles of Narnia or Harry Potter, it offers children a world where they have control and where parents are background figures who make them sign a smile. It also gives them the key to a world of knowledge inaccessible to adults: the hundreds of creatures, their thousands of movements, their statistics and their evolutions have all been memorized enthusiastically by generations of children. During my first hours in Kanto, I rediscovered this vault of knowledge buried in my memory: details about type mappings, where we could find rare creatures, that Pokémon can evolve with mysterious stones and tunes from the TV series that I had meticulously recorded on VHS tapes with self-illustrated labels.

Of course, Pokémon has changed over the decades and Let's Go incorporates many ideas and adjustments from newer games. Your favorite Pokémon can go around the world with you or, if they are big enough, you can ride them on your back. Your first Pokémon is not a choice between Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle, but between Eevee and Pikachu, his two mascots the most cute, the most durable and the most universally recognizable. And your relationship with this special Pokémon defines the game more than any other. You can pet your Pokémon, give them treats, dress them up and adapt your character to matching outfits. He offers you a best friend for life, like Ash and Pikachu in the long-running animated series.

But the most fundamental change was inspired not by the original developer Game Freak, but by Niantic, the Californian creators of the smartphone sensation Pokémon Go. When you explore the world and face creatures against each other, Pokémon Let's Go plays like red, blue and yellow on the Game Boy. But catching creatures now works as in Pokémon Go. Instead of walking in grassy areas in the hope of finding rare creatures, you can see them frolicking and chasing the ones you want to catch. Instead of fighting a wild Pokémon until it's weak, you only need to launch Pokéballs to capture it.

Screenshot of Pokémon Let's Go.

"A fable about perseverance, loyalty and self-determination" … screenshot of Pokémon Let'Go. Photography: Nintendo

This is a huge simplification of Pokémon capture, making it more fun and accessible, but significantly less challenging and less dramatic (apart from the very rare Legendary Pokémon, which still needs to be fought before it can be caught). It's easy to catch 30 Psyducks if that's what you want to do. Some older Pokemon players complained that it was an oversimplification, but they missed the purpose of these remakes. I played at Pokémon Let's Go with two delighted little girls, with about thirty people, about thirty people, with a curious child of 12 years and – rather unsuccessfully – with my toddler son. None of them worried about the integrity of the 20 – year – old Pokémon acquisition mechanisms. They care about what's fun.

This is a Pokémon game that combines the old and the new, designed to be used by all generations and by all families, perhaps shared by adult 90s Pokémon adult trainers and their own children. . Shake a second switch controller and another coach falls to the screen, allowing you to guide a younger child through Kanto or work with another older one to clear all of the coach's rivals. He does his best to accommodate any player, whether young or inexperienced. The bones of Pokémon: Let's Go may be 20 years old, but in 2018 it's refreshing to play something so sincere, healthy and charming.

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