Pokémon Quest is better on mobile than the Switch


Free game Freak, "RPG action exuberant," Pokémon Quest is finally available for mobile devices. Although it was launched on the Nintendo Switch first, it is the iOS and Android versions that seem to be the most natural place to play the game.

The Pokémon Quest Model It's not conducive to long periods of play. The cube-y adventure, cutesy is a mix of typed battles and passive gameplay popularized by games like Neko Atsume . You share your time between a base camp, where you can train your pokemon or prepare food to attract new friends, and venture across the island. But your actions are blocked by time limits. If you want to fight, you will need to make sure that you have the battery power to do it; cooking meals requires you to leave and explore.

On the switch, that means you're going to have to do a lot of free time, unless you want to empty your pockets to speed up the process. The game offers in-game transactions that will give you extra items or more tickets to speed up your battery recovery, but you'd better take it slowly. Mobile games by nature, however, are perfect for this one-shot gaming style. You can pass through a level in Pokémon Quest in minutes, allowing you to easily get started on a short ride. The game also rewards you for registering at least once a day with free tickets that you can pick up every 24 hours, rather than encouraging you to play for hours at a time.

The only drawback is that players have already spent like me) or the time to build their teams on the switch will not be able to save any of these advances. It's a new beginning. That it means that you are willing to give up your old game or keep them both (also like me) is yours; The Switch is portable in itself, but you can not switch texts and team training in just a few clicks. For new players debating the version to play, starting with a version that you can pocket at will is the way to go.

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