Preloading of Red Dead Redemption 2 on PS4 and Xbox One starts soon, here's when


The release of Red Dead Redemption 2 is fast approaching and you can be ready to venture into the Old West by loading it and making it ready for launch. Along with a new launch trailer, Rockstar has announced that the pre-load will begin on Friday, October 19 at noon (ET) and 5:00 am (Paris time), or 9:00 pm, Thursday.

In the tweet announcing preloading, the studio also announced that the launch trailer would debut Thursday at 10:00 am ET / 7:00 am PT. This should be our last look at the game before its launch on Friday, October 26th. Rockstar has left enough time for pre-loading, which makes sense given the size of the RDR2 facility, as the company has officially confirmed.

Pre-loading also means that you have pre-ordered, which will earn you a cash bonus for story mode and a GTA $ bonus for Grand Theft Auto Online from GTA 5. Those who pre-ordered by July 31 will also receive a treasure map that will allow them to make a fortune at the border. Physical Editions feature a wide variety of bonuses, including physical items in Special and Ultimate editions. A separate collection box, which does not include the game, comes with a group of chotchkes, such as a pin game, a bandana, playing cards and a tithe box with lock and key . You can read more details in our pre-order guide.

It seems that Rockstar has created a vast open world to explore, where activities and details are not lacking. You can fish and hunt, your clothes are degraded and the dialogue changes according to your personal hygiene. Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser estimates he has 500,000 lines of dialogue.

All of this ambition seems to have come at a cost, however, since Houser also said the studio had had 100 weeks of work a week to keep his promise. He went on to point out that he was only referring to a few experienced members of the team having intensive writing sessions and that the studio was not expecting such long ones. hours from the whole of his team.

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