President of ArenaNet: Fired developers could have chosen not to engage on social networks


"We want to hear our players, it is not acceptable that an attempt to interact with our society – in this case a polite game suggestion – be greeted with hostility and mockery of our 19659002] – Co-Founder of ArenaNet and Chairman Mike O. Brien, in a statement to Polygon

Polygon published an interesting interview with former member of ArenaNet Jessica Price in which the veteran dev talks at length about how she and her colleague Peter Fries were fired from the company last week after being put in a Twitter chat with a fan.

A public message from the co-founder of ArenaNet and President Mike O 'Brien (in which he called the sarcastic comments of Price and Fries "attacks on the community") announced the fans of Guild Wars 2 and some have gathered in hubs like Reddit for [1 9459009] celebrate their perceived power to obtain devs.

Price told The Verge that she felt her shot a disturbing precedent for the developers, stating that "the message is very clear, especially for women in the business: if Reddit wants you the licencies, we will fire you ". It is therefore all the more interesting to see that when Polygon asked for a comment from O. Brien, he stated that Price's frustrating reaction would have a chilling effect – on fan engagement [19659005]. She expected to behave professionally and respectfully, or at least to go away, but she rather attacked, "said O. Brien. "We want to hear our players. It is not acceptable that an attempt to interact with our society – in this case a polite game suggestion – meets with open hostility and derision on our part. "

Part of the longer explanation that O 'Brien has publicly given so far comes in the middle of an interview in which Price expresses regret for recommending ArenaNet to fellow developers (mostly women) and says she's joined the company partly because of her initial promises.

"There were meetings in which the leaders promised us that they wanted us to talk about ugly things, harmful things, and that we would not be punished for that," Price said. . "And it is so devastating that a company that talks about all this speech has bent like a table of cheap cards the first time their values ​​have been tested. Doing the right thing is difficult, but doing it regularly, it is easier to keep And the corollary to this is that surrender makes it harder to stop surrendering. "

The rest of the interview is worth reading on Polygon because Price speaks very frankly about the experience and how it is conducted. to its removal from the digital world in order to avoid being harassed and / or doxxed.

"I am very tired," she told Polygon. "I do not read the reactions, what would be the purpose? I have a security team handling my social media, since I am completely assaulted by bot.There is nothing that is worth it. be read by robots and strangers on Twitter If the other devs want to reach me – and they have been, en masse – we have a network of mutual relationships through which they can do that. "

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