Preview of the gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2


It is the dark night. We are squatting in an oil field covered with blood, a bandana covering our face, a giant knife in the hand and a corpse of the poor guy we just pierced in the chest, lying at our feet. We will admit, we do not do anything.

Seconds later, the crime of Arthur Morgan is spotted and Red Dead Redemption 2 & # 39;s the new Wanted system gets in motion, there is a witness of our malevolence, aside from the two grimacing representatives of Rockstar in the room, and despite the fact that our face is covered, we are pursued.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - gameplay, images, review, preview, release date, pre-order, PS4

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We could try to kill the witnesses in order to hide our crime, but there are too many. for the horizon. Similar to Grand Theft Auto 5, the mini-map represents a giant red zone on which we can escape, in order to lose our pursuers armed with guns.

Galloping at full speed towards a steam train heading towards a tunnel, we pull aside, balance a horse in gear and jump just in time to grab the car, just missing the tunnel entrance . Unfortunately, our horse is not so lucky and crushes the wall. It's brutal.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - gameplay, images, review, preview, release date, pre-order, PS4

rock star games

This is not an easy loss. Your horse is really important in Red Dead Redemption 2 – they will carry your weapons and hunting spoil and will help you decisively get through the trouble and avoid them.

But you will have to spend a lot of time brushing, tapping and generally being an honest man to improve their progression system, which gradually increases their speed, endurance and allows them to release unique abilities, such as being able to to whistle for them from further away.

Arthur & # 39; s O.G. horse was given to us at level four and after the tunnel incident, he was only making glue. So we were forced to pinch another, who was back to level one, and it was a nightmare; he was small, slow and crushed against fences. But that's one of the reasons why Rockstar's return to the wild west depends on the consequences of your actions.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - gameplay, images, review, preview, release date, pre-order, PS4

rock star games

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After our daring jump on the bandwagon, we stop in a carriage with an angry gunman. We needlessly use the new conversation system, which allows you to escalate or calm the clashes just by talking. Rockstar tells us that there are 1,000 pedestrians, with their own actors, with whom you can chat.

This time, our conversation is not working, so we stab him and try to keep a semblance of stealth by dropping the corpse unceremoniously from the moving train, but that is useless, soon everyone on board is alerted.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - gameplay, images, review, preview, release date, pre-order, PS4

rock star games

While we used two revolvers with two weapons – of different types – we embarked on a violent shootout against the cramped train, which soon stopped. We take a dozen lawyers and Arthur accumulates a heavy premium of $ 250, before being finally eliminated.

We will admit that we were looking for a lot of trouble when we stepped into the shoes of Arthur Morgan, and although we quickly went to the trouble of finding him, Red Dead Redemption 2 punishes you harshly with realistic consequences for your daring.

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