PSX Skipping 2018, Sony confirms the lack of PlayStation experience this year


PlayStation will not hold its annual PlayStation Experience event this year, confirmed global studio director Shawn Layden. He said the company had made the difficult decision that she was currently on several projects, and that she did not want to set expectations for a large-scale media event like PSX, without showing much.

"We will not have it in the US this year," Layden said on the PlayStation blog. "Now that we have Spider-Man at the door, we are watching the 2019 games like Dreams and Days Gone, but we would not have enough to bring people together in North America to have this event. We do not do it. " I want the expectations to be very high and I'm not up to it. It was a difficult decision, but we decided that this year we would not hold PlayStation Experience. "

This follows a smaller Sony E3 this year, which focused on four games: Spider-Man, Death Stranding, The Last of Us: Part II and Ghost of Tsushima. There were also some surprises such as the debut of third-party game trailers like Control and Resident Evil 2. The PlayStation Experience (PSX) debuted in Europe in the early 2000s, then became inactive for years before to come to the United States in 2014. It has been held annually since then.

Spider-Man was a huge success for Sony, having broken God of War records a few months ago. Meanwhile, Dreams seems to be an incredibly ambitious project, and Days Gone, not so much.

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