PUBG Exploit allows players to win victories at a lower cost


There is a small problem in the battlefields of PlayerUnknown which places players under the map while letting them shoot , a useful exploit or "

If you want to win quick and easy wins before going to the next stage to stay in the battlefields, this problem is exclusive to Sanhok's new map. For those who are unfortunate enough to be on the end of the exploit, there is not much to do except stay on your toes, wait for PUBG Corp. correct it, or turn to the dark side and use it yourself

The above video of YouTuber niKlaS shows exactly how the glitch works, a glitch spotted by Kotaku. The instructional video shows how the glitch scenario is played with the player baiting an opponent in a building while they hide under the floor. The loot was too good to pass, as the exploiter had anticipated, and the opponent was shot down as soon as they had what they needed and settled in. The loot was too good to pass, as the exploiter had anticipated, and the opponent was shot as soon as they had what they needed and settled in. next building.

In the description of the video, niKlaS explains more about what you can do when you use the glitch, but there really is not much you can not do. As the video shows more than once, you have ample leeway to aim and take your time without having to worry about your feet or other parts of your body coming out from the ground to expose your position.

Today, I found a point of impact in PUBG where you can move between the map and what is there, "he said. Niklas. "You can shoot at other players or hide yourself as shown.This is the only house I know where it works."

You will not be able to use this glitch or use it on Any other card as it is exclusive to Sanhok, but there is a good chance that no one is dealing with it much longer at all. Now that more and more players are taking note and videos like this are called "Invisible Pitch OP", you can bet that it will attract PUBG Corp.'s attention. fast enough. Use it or avoid it now while you can, but look for a note in the next series of game release notes, or a note stating that the exploit has been refreshed.

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